Davidis Humii de Familia Humia Wedderburnensi Liber

발행: 1839년

분량: 135페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류





TH number of inpul)lished works, of an early date, relatin tolli genealog or histor of nobi or distinguishod families in Scotland is ver inconsiderable and whilo the interest of suchwork is soldom of a limited ind the are nocios valitabio aspreservin dotalis illustrativo of the genera histor of the

country. Thus, a recent historian quotes in curious S.


that it,illi considere mas an acceptabie contribution to the

The laughter of De la Basti is the mos important event, connected with the generat histor os colland recorded in this Work, and is peculiari interesting, as the statement here ivenare aid o have been derived rom persons ho were concernedin the doeil. It will probabi excite Some sui pris that, under Such circumstances the author hould have ound an difficulty as appears rom page 33 in ascertaining the exac date henthis occurred, as et a that hicli exto it the execution filio Chamberlain Lord Hume, and his rother. The dato os these event has been variousi stated Accordin to Lesley, with hom modern writer agree, the Chamberlain a be-headedin therath, accordinito Buchanan on the 1 Ith, hiistin the Annals of Balsour, it is allege lao have taken place ori the 26th of October 1516. The author of this orti agrees illi Buchanan a to the da of the monili, but postpones it viatilili solio ving year, an error of hichie is consciolis, but unablet correct The muriter os De la Basti has generali been

supposed to have happenedin the lesith of September 1517 in this orti it is placedin the 20th; ut frona the more authentic

i,ublishod by fit cairn in the appendicto his Crimina Trials we are enablod to fax the dato decidodi to tho 17th of that monili. The attentive ea de of Scotisti history ill probably



gation may nable limo rectis y as a page l0, Wher thomeritis sol ging Robor Gratiam the assassinis ini ames hos irst, in Lammermuir, is attributei to ne of the sumit ofHume, hilo e learn, froni the Chamberlain's Accounts that this capture a made in the wild of Mar b two Uighland chiestains, James teWar Gorme, and Robertiuncanson, theancestor of the ancient famil of Roberisonis Stro van. Notia vitiastandin such lentishes, severa historica politis ill bosound toto hicidaled in his orti; et iis clites valuo consisis in homotice of manners and modes of thini in in colland and speciali on the ordors, recorded by one ho liuod sum- cienti nea the times to rende his testimon appreciable. The author's autograph manuscript is notanown to eXist, nor has an Otho transcript been discovere Ithan the one proservo lat edderburn-house, hici has been sollowed in his sedition. It consist of SiXW-sive closely rillen ages, in alandapparenti os abola the iddie of the eventeenth century, andis thus indorsed: his es ritiei and do ubi sed by dolin La writte in dy and the marginali notes pon it ver rittent, thoiand of tho deceas M William ho advocat ather tolli decens Lord Harcarserandii ven by the aid Johia Lax tolli Laird of seddorburn ounger.' A the margina notes aremeret running tities, frequently in En isti, it has no boonthought orth whil to print them The error of the tran-


scribe have unfortunatet no been caresus corrected thoughthe are raret of susscient importa iaceo intersere illi thenaeaning. In printing, a se Word have been introduced 0- twoen brachel f , here the manuscript has been Orn, or vliere the transcriber appears o have omitte them; and aletter has occasionali been change or introduceti, here theblunder a very evident perhaps t willi thought that moreos suci alterations ould have been proper. translation, no ver accuratet made, probabi sometinae durinitast century, and stili in manuscript has been occasionalty quotodi aut hors There is great reason to belle that this vas alien rom an early copy of the work bos ore the auilior had made many alterations and in rea sed it illi much additionalmatter. A passage of Our teXt, a page 13 sine 27, 28, and 29, hicli is omewhat obscure frona the transcriber avingomitte 1 or Change some ords may be lucidated by the ollo ingreXuaci:- me, to securei trustinito the swifines of his horse a he was passing by the an hom he had assi si dis- mounted whetheri accidental sal of his horse, o that he was

transfixed with the an' spear, o by the culting of his houghs, it is uncertain hi h li fel into the and of the enemy. Aster the account of the gallant conducti tho ourth David Hume, of edderburn before the Casile of Warii, in page 37, the solio ving, hicli is no toto found in the Latin manuscript.

is added by the translator: Aster his return, the ing, as aroward soriis services and Xtraordinar bellaviour, ave im



permission to carry, as hi crest, in ali time coming a Unicorus head gorged ita an imperia croditan, ein par of the ob albearing and the ord REMEMBER, b his moti liko viso a

arae in line 26, page 38 cros is substituted in the translation and a it is more probabi that a ros Was ereCted as a monument of laughter than a tower, it Smo unlikel that the transcribser of the Latin manuscript has ritiei arae instoad os cruae.

At page I sine , amore is translate J love of God, lio ving that the word Dei has probably been omitted. The writer of this or Wa DAVID HUΜ of GODsCROFΤ, thewes known author of the Histor of themous and Race of Dougias and Angus He was the seconi sonis Sir David, theseventi of the Barons os sed lorburn, hose deed are recorde lin thes pages, and much of ha is known of his early liso illbe ound interspersed in the account whichie gives of his brother, the eighth baron He a boria, it S usuali Supposed, abolit thesea 1560. In Xamining the recoriis of the Universit oscit Andrews, e find that David Hume a incorporate Mas a student in t Leonarit' College in the oa 1578:

and froin the corresponderice of time, there is no reason to doub that this astu author, horas ter ard designatediimself by the ille of heagrius oris Godscrost the nam of his proper , hichio is salixto have adoptet instead os Gowkscrofi, ascit a sorineri calle l. reviolis to this time he had distinguished himself b his asterior elegant literature He


has reserved a Latin poem, ritten hen ourteen ear ofage, and refers, illi sonae satisfaction, to the resago hicli Buchanan, the facile princeps os modern Latin poets forme Isrom his early effusioris Aster the period embra sed in th folio ing orti, Hume appear totaVeiecome a dependant of the Ear of Angus, and with him as erigaged in stat event, known in cotisti histor by the nam os the Raid o Ruthven. Whon the clites of the partyrio hichie bolonged were driveninto England Hume accompantei them, and Under retenectos pursui niliis studies, but probabi as an agent of Angus, entio, and resided sonae time in London. si returning to Scot-land he rejoine longus, illi hom e remalnei sor three years, uiati the death of the lalter in I 588 after Whichio furta ther notice is found of him unti 1605 Wheni appenred as an author The subjectis his sirst essa Was the proposed unionos En and and colland in favour of hichio rote, a BishopNicholson says, in a clear Latin Style secondisssa on his subject was prepared by him, thoughio printed, and it is suid is stili tot found among the Sibbald and odrow collections of SS Herus terwariis eligaged in the controvers belween Episcopae ani Presbytery, havinio ames Law, Archbishopii Glasgow, and illiam Cowper Bishop of Galloway, as his opponenis He also publiShed Some Latin poenis unde tho ille of iustis oetici, hicli,ere aster ard incorporaled intotho Delicis Poetarum colorum His cotish seelings ero



sitive to ha the supposed derogator to the honour of theircountry by Some remari. Os Canaden, to hicli e repared,

of his ancestors illi geat, and to have carried his researchos into in authenti fources of histor a sar a the were then operatoinquirers. The subjeci seem to have been ne on hichii laboursed illi desight, an his natura seelings of respect for his progenitors ill forni a ready excuse, fae bo ound too oston to ali into the angvage of panegyri C. The narrativo is frequently ambling, and the no ver Origina arguments by

whichio endeavour to extenuate the error of his predeces- sors, O to thro blam on thei opponenis, ill bo ound theleas agreeable paris of this ork, and wil probabi be considerexas alliod to thos interminabie remarks and digressions,' sor hicli his Histor of the ous os Dougias and Angus has boon blamed by the latest historian os collan l. He is however bestinown by the Histor of themous andRace of Dougias and Angus, hicli, froni a dedication to King Charies L, prefixe to a manuscript op of therars pari, preserve in the Advocates Library, and signed by the leventii Eari of Angus, he appears to have arranged and completed fronta planirawn ut by the tentii Eari, the fallier of the dedicator,



at the command of ing James I. This ork, whichias generali been supposed to have employed him during the period rom l62xto 1630, but which was probabi finished soon after the deati of King James, was originalty writton in the languagetheri spolieri by the tigher order in colland or asi caliscit, in comet Scottish, and in his forna appears to have been liighlyapproxed of by the Ear of Angus, ho states, in the bove mentionei dedication ilia Hume ad acquitted himself of that charge illi that candour hicli et bofitto a satilis ull

Ear of Angus by liis time Marquis of Dougias was o much displea sed, illi it that he appears to have intended to give the

Archaeologia Scotica, Vol. IV page 7.