University of Maryland Theses 1825-1833

발행: 1825년

분량: 938페이지


분류: 미분류


, L.


Universit of Maryland Theses Early Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Physic Dissertations illi Corrected abies of Contenis These manuscripis described asiither an Inaugurat Dissertationi an Inauguralissa were presented to the Universit of Maryland so the Deraee os Doctoris Medicine anctor Doctoris Physic during the years l8l3-l88T. The individual dissertations ere bound together during thel 940's. The original abies of contentiso the bound volumes contained multiple error in authors names, litteS, an&or years To addres these errors, an additional Corrected able of Contenis' has been inserted at thelegi innof each volume. The projeci team ho investigated and corrected the tables of contenis ere Richard J. Belites. Historical Libraria,Preservation om cer Maria Milagros Pinkas, Metadata anagement Librarim Angela Cochrane and Carol Harling-Henry Resources Division Sarismovde Abra Schnu and Megan Wolin Services Division. These dissertations were digitiged in 20ll-20l2 and are avallabierat the wDigital Archive archive.lislisl .umaryland .eduhand the Internet Archive www. archive. Org).


Thomas Franci . . G. Dunbibin Junius C.

Kephan Philip Howard Johia Carvil

Reynolds Johia C. hi te sord willianas D. Deas. Elias H. Ha Zethurst Abraham M. Bilious Remining and intermittingsevere, in Dissertation onme patitis Nature and Operationis Mine Pox Use os Emetic sRheumata igia Pneumonia Biliosa Dysent ery Congeste BiliousseverHistor os Medicine

Genera Doctrine os inlJammation ' De Hydrope

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