The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


GOSPE L. Luis xv. II. 32. At mat time: Jesus spolio to ths Scribos and Pharisees this parabie: A curtain mali hau two sons: aud the Founger of thoni said to liis fallier: Father, ovo me the portiou of substanco that falleth to me. Anu ho


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meos: respice in me, et out of the suare: l lamiserere mei quoniam thou upou me, aud havo


unicus et pauper sum me F on me, sor I ammo. Pa. Αate, Domine, alone and Poor. H. Tolevavi animam meam; thee, O Lord, havo IDeus meus, in te confi- BRed up my a I; in clo, non erubescam. V. thee, O my God, I put Gloria. - truat, let mct not bo hamed. V. Glo .


Introit, Ps. IV. In Deo laudassio.


And whon tho Ling os Israel had real tho lettor, he rent his garmonis, and stad: Am I God, to bo Io to kill and to givo lis' that this man hath


Pharphar, mera os Damaacus, hester inan an ino tors of Israel, that I may Wash in them, antho male oleant So he turned, and WM mingaWay mith indignation, his servariis came to him,

and init to him: Father, it tho prophei hin bil