Rescript of His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVI, to the four archbishops of Ireland in reply to the appeal to the Holy See on the subject of the national system of education in Ireland

발행: 1841년

분량: 24페이지


분류: 미분류



Catholics, - could not but havo fissed tho Sac d Congreg&tion mith tho greatest solicitudo, during tho long and earnest consideration Which, in accordanos mitti tho Glios osus ossice, it gave to the question a mittedio it. HaVing, theresere, accuratela meighed allthe tangers, and ali the advantagos of the system aring heard tho roasoning of the contending parses and haring, ovo ait, received the gratistiug intelligenos that, sorten years fiuco tho introduction os this system os education, the Catholic religion does not appear to havo susinined any injur tho Sacrod Congregation has, mitti the approbation of our Μost Ηοου Fathor, Pops Gregory the XVI., resolvod that aio judg- metit inould bo definitivob pronounced in this matter ; and that this End of oducationshould bo tost to tho prudent discretion and religious conscienos os eaoh individual bish


Scilicol lo. Libros omnes, qui noxium aliquid si vo advorsus Sacrorum Bibliorum canonem, aut puritatem, sive contra Catholicas Ecclesiae doctrinam, Vel mores continent, si scholis romovori debere. Hoc autem solacilius ossici potest, quia nulla memorati systematis lex obstat. 2ο. Dandam esse pro viribus operam, ut Praeceptor Νormalis podagogorum Catholicorum in classe religiosa, morali, et historica, vel Catholicus, usi nullus sit. Νam Catholicum ab Acatholico religionis tradendae methodum, vel religiosum historiam doceri

indecorum eΝt.

3ο. Tutius multo esse ut literarum tantummodo humanarum magistorium fiat in scholis promiscuis, quam ut fundamentales, ut aiunt, et communes religionis Christianae articuli restricto traduntur, reservata Singulis sectis peculiari seorsum eruditione. Ιtu enim cum pueriS agere periculosum valde videtur. do. Genoratim Episcopos et Parochos advigilare oportere, no ex hoc Srstemate

Nationalis Institutionis, puoris Catholicis

quamlibot ob causam, labes obveniat; eO-



1st. That ali books Whicli contain any

noxious matter euher against the canon orthe puri of tho Sacred Scriptures, or against tho doctrino of the Catholic Church, ormoriatu, ought to be remouod Dom thoschools ; and this can be the more eastly effected, bocause inore is no iam of the Mid System opposed to it. 2d. That ovory stari is to be mado, that nono but a Catholic preceptor stiali givereligious, morat, or historical lectures to tho Catholio Sohoota tors in the Μodol Schoes; for it is nos fitting that a Catholio fhould botaught tho mothod os giving instruction inreligion or religious history by one Who isnot a Catholic. 3d. That it is much sasor that literaryinstruction only should be iven in mixod schoois, than that the fundamentat articles, asthey are cassed, and the artioles in whioli allChristians agree, should alone be ta litthere in common, reserving sor separate instruction the toneis peculi. to Euch seci; sor this mannor os acting, in regard to chil-dren, appears very dangerous.


8 THE POPΕ'S LETTER ON THErumdem etiam esse, enixe curare, ut a Supre

mia Μoderatoribus, meliorem in dies rerum ordinem, et conditiones aequiores impotrent. Illud quoque perutilo sors censet Sacra Congregatio, si loca ipsa scholarum, in Episeo- Porum, Vel Parochorum PMestate, ac proprio jure manerent. Existi at simul permagnae futurum esse utilitatis, Episcopos do tam gravi negotio in Provincialibus synodis inVicem saepe conserre. Si autom quid adversum accidet, Sedes Apostolica oortior facianda sedulo ost, ut ipsa simul provideat. Denique optat Sacra Congregatio, ut deinceps Episcopi, alii quo viri Ecclesiastici abstineant a contondendo sup hao controversis in publicis ephemoridibus, vel Husmodi aliis libollis, no religionis honor, mutua fama, et Christiana charitas, eum Populi offensiovis laedatur. Haec Amplitudini Tuae, a mo Sacrae Congregationis nomine, erant significanda, ut per Te, R R. ΡΡ. DD. Episcopis Μstropolitanae Provinciae Tuae Suffraganeis commmunicentur. Quae vero superius significavi,


tion, throuo any cause Whatever; and thatit is also thola tau strenuousty to endeamurto obtain Bom tho govemmem, by degre , a Miter ordor os things, and mors inuit Ioeonditions. The Sacrod Congregation is also os opinion, that it Would M very useses thattho So Minouses should bo vested exclusi-

further os opinion, that it Would be of very great invantago that tho Bishops shouldisequently consor together on this very -- portant subjeci, in their provinciat synoda; hut that, should any thing -λVourabis occur, tho Apostolio Mo fhould bo carostabmado acquianted With it, that is may at onos provido sor the exigenu. In fino, tho Sacrod Congregation destres, that honoesorward tho Biinops and othor Ecclesiastios inould ro in Dom eontendingon this controversy in the neWspvers, Dr


talia osse Amplitudo Τua quoquo faciis intolliget, ut iisdem diligonter servatis, in ista re tantae gravitatis, interea satis religioni, satis tranquillitati, si juvonilis aetatis bono consultum esse concludendum sit. Precor Deum interea, ut Amplitudinem Tuam, diu sospitem ac felicem serVet. Amplitudinis Τuae. Romae, ex aedibus Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide. Dio 16 Januarii, l84 I. Ad ossicia Paratissimus.






6. Τhis constitutos ali that tho decisioncould bo expected to tuo. But the rejection os an appeal gives the crevse, as matteros course, to the Respondent. 7. R is sald, this is no approbation.