장음표시 사용
Acta Mologica Academiae Scionitiarum Hungaricae 22, I976
Aeta MoIogica Academiae Scientiarum Hungoricae 22, I976
Acta Mologica Academiae Seientiarum Hungaricae 22, I976
Aeta MOMgiea Aeademiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22, I976
Eleven brisiles e ach on both laterat margins of prothorax, their po Sition ariddimensions shOwn in Fig. 2. Prothorax has atly with two longitudinal and one
Acta Mologica Academiae Seientiarum Hungarieae 22, I976
R e m a r k s. The ne v species is clos ely related to Coptodera ornatipennis LoUWERENS, 1962. The two species differ in the proportions of the pro thorax and elytra, and in the number and Shape of the yellow elytral spois. Hatio os pro thoracic Wid th and length 2. 00 in C. sequitata, but me rely 1. 70 in C. ornati-
Acta Mologica Academiae Sciontiarum Hungarietis 22, I976
Λ revision os the Aethiopian and Indo-Malayan Heterotarsus LATREILLE, 18 29;key to 28 species, description of 12 new species und One new subSpecies; ghori Churucterigation, faunistical data and synonymies of the known species.