Musculorum humani corporis picturata dissectio (Ferrara 1541?) : facsimile edition

발행: 1925년

분량: 107페이지


분류: 미분류



oriens sub capite brachii,qui tutioitur musculo precedeti, et alteri musculo ei subdito, aues ut in particula ab natomicis pinaretur, possunt tamentro fibrarum restitus

dine Jeperari, habet ut ait Galentis exse

dere manum totam in

tro oblique desecte ο


qui pars praecedensis ab Anatomicis utitatur, perpetus carnos

sus, posterioribus paris bus gibberi inserit

rectam articuli exten

sionem iacit.



have evolied the deservo recognitio by tho contemporar authorities, ho Ven allowed the dispersa of his library the conservatio os,hichwould avo been a itin monumento his immenso labor in Bern Thus the Austrian ο- Vernment came int possessio of the book and distribute them amon Padua Milan and avia, the three great centres O Iearning in Norther Italy tho occupied by the Austrians. Accident volat have it, that he writer of this Ole, hile Dgaged pon another earch initio Archives an Librar at avia, et there Pros. Ducceschi, the Ver man who had devoted more time than nyone eis to finditi out What could e found aboli Canatio. Most os hoinformation e an O give on his subjec is duo to his usuiling courtes an assistanc forwhicli it is difficulto expres adequalet Our appreciation. Pros uocoschi is himsol tho


tin librarian, poti eing Shed the question, With a caracteristic gestur os regreisu dispair, opene berare iis the Luge manuscript catalogue There a the entr of that op of tho Catiano hicli ad come to the librar froin thopontificat archiater Natale Saliceti A litii mor


otio a the ritisti useum in London bero We examine it, ut non ut the Bibliothoquo nationale, though e oro old that i ha figured in ome catalogue. A very thorough earobin Ver conceivable departinent of that great institutio has mile t reven it. In America bosides the op no in Dr. Cushing' haud in Boston there has appeared another Opy in malia, Nebraska, Wned by


Wo may therosore lis tho solio vin extant