The Roman Vesperal : according to the Vesperale romanum, for the entire ecclesiastical year ; for the use of Catholic choirs and school children

발행: 1886년

분량: 222페이지


분류: 미분류


The proper of the time.

p. Stephanus vidit coelos apsirtos. R. Vidit, et intro1vit: l beatus homo, cui coeli patebant. Μagnificat VIIbi 11M The Commemoration of St. JOhn, and of Christ mas. Antiphone: Iste est Jofinnes ecl. p. Valde honorandus est i beatus Jofinnes. R. Qui supra pectus Domini l in coena recubuit. Antiphone: Hodie Christus natus est. P. Notum fecit Dominus, alleliva. Salutare suum, alleliva.


Proprium de Tempore.


p. Valde honorfindus est i befitus Jofinnes. R. Qui supra pectus Domini l in coena recubuit. Μagnificat: VI. 108 . Commemoration of the Holy Innocent s. Antiphon e: Hi sunt ecl. s. Herodes irfitus t occidit multos pueros. B. In Bothlehem Iudae, i civitute David. AsterWards Commemoration of Christas, and of SL Stephen ason page 121.

stigit Μs - tyrum, Quos

p. Sub throno Dei l omnes Sancti clamant. R. Vindica ssinguinem nostrum, i Deus noster. Μagnificat: II 104 .


The proper of the time. 121 Then the Commemoration Of St. Thomas, is it be not Saturday.

Antiphon e. Iste sanctus etc.

p. Gloria et honore 1 coronsisti eum, Domine. R. Et constituisti eum l super opera msinuum tusirum. But, is it be Saturday, then the Commemoration ofSundaymust be made. Antipho ne. Duin medium etc. p. Verbum caro lactum est, i alleluia. R. Et habitavit in nobis, i allelvia. Αster this Commemoration the following are mado. os: Christ-mas, St. Stephen, St. John, and the Ηοly Innocents. Octave os Chrisimas. Antipho ne. Hodie Christus etc. . Notum fecit Dominns, allel a. .. Salutise suum, alleluia. St. Stephen. Antiphone. Sepelierunt est. F. Stephanus vidit coelos apsirios. v. Vidit, et introivit: l befitus homo, cui coeli patebant. St. JOhn. Antiphone. Exiit sermo etc. p. Valde honor findus est i besitus Josinnes. I. Qui supra pectus Domini l in coena recubuit Holy Innocent Child re n. Antiphone. Innocentes etc. y. Sub throno Dei l omnes sancti clamant. Vindica sfinguinem nostrum, i Deus noster.

Is December the 29in is a Sundau, the seast of St. Thomas is tobe transferred to Μontay; and the Vespers for Sunday are as 10llows: Psalms and Hymn as in Second Vespers of Chrismas page IIRy. Verbum caro factum est, i alleluia.

Astematas the Commemoration Os St. Thomas. Antiphone. Iste sanctus etc. . Gloria, et honore i coronfisti eum, Domine. R. Et constituisti eum l super opera misuum tusirum. Here solioW the Commemorations os the octaVes as above.


Proprium de Tempore.

Is the 30in os December is a Sunday, the Vespers are to be Sungin the lalloWing manner: The Psalms os the Second Vespera os Chrisimas page 1183 But stom the Chapter the office Will be Os St. Sylvester, Comm. Cons. Ροnt. page 193. nis finished, Commemoration of the 8undayis made. Antiphone: mer Jesus etc. p. Verbum caro factum est, i alleluia. ait. Et habitavit in nobis, i alleluia. And of the Octaves as On page 121

Seeond Vespera. Psalms and Hymn of the First Vespers. p. Notum fecit Dominus, allelvia... Saluisire suum, alleluja. Μagnificat: II 104 and Commemoration Os St. Stephen Antiphone. Stephanus autem etc. p. Stephanus vidit coclos apertos. v. Vidit et introivit: l befitus homo, cui coeli patebant.

The octave of St. Stephen. d.

Aster the psalms the office of St. Jota begius from the Chapter on. Hymn: Exsultet page 1193. r. Valde honorkndus est i beatus Joannes. Qui supra pectus Domini l in coena recubuit. Μagnificat II, 1023 and Commemoration of St. Stephen, and the Holy Innocents as ab0ve page 121).


rae proper of the time.

rae rest as On page 120; after Which lassovs the Commemorationos the Eve of the Epiphany. Antiphone. Ρuer Jesus etc. . Notum fecit Dominus, allel a. R. Salutfire suum, alleliija And finalty Commemoration of St. Telesphorus. Antiphone. Iste sanctus etc. F. Gloria et honore i coronini eum Domine. Et constituisti eum l super opera mfinuum tuarum.


Proprium de Tempore.

p. Reges Warsis et insulae t munera offerent. R. Reges Arabum et Saba i dona adducent vignificat: VIIIli 11M Second Vespera. 1, 2. 3, and 4 as in the Fidit Vespera, but5: In exitu Israsit VIII. 403. Hymn and Versicle as above. Μagnificat I, 1023 Ii Epiphany salis in Saturday, Commemoration os the SundayWistin the Octave is made at the Semnd Vespers: Antiphon e: Remfinsit puer etc. . Omnes de Saba venient, alleluia. R. Aurum et thus deferentes, alleluia.

Psalms, Hymn and Versicle as at Second Vespers of Epiphany. Magnificat VIII i l103. ne Commemoration os Epiphany. Antiphon e: Tribus mirsiculis etc. V. Omnes de Saba venient, allelu a. R. Aurum et thus deserentes, alleluia. Is EpiDhany salis in Montay, then the 8undar previous the Fidit vespera os piphany are fung With C0mmemoration os the Sunday. Antiphone: Fili. quid etc. F. Omnes de Saba venient, alleluda... Aurum et thus deferentes, alleluia.

The octave of the Epiphany. d.

ration made.


The proper of the time.

septuagesima, sexagesima, quinquagesima. 8d.


126 Proprium de Τempore.

p. Eripe me, Domine i ab homine malo. R. A viro iusquο l eripe me. Μagnificat ΙΙ 1043.


The proper of the time.


Proprium de rim re.