장음표시 사용
VII. The astor hall, undo tho directior of the Bishop, the custod of the solis undiapers and corpora tessent soli Chureli. Tho se rotar shali uel theminutos of tho Boarii, and notis the member of meetings, genera and speciat.
stat sed in the 00d leusing ut uni ad lino nothino in the
porato nam Or designati0n o suci religious societ oreorporation, a the granteo in Sueli de edi conveyaneo, WRS O eorreeti Statod, and where tho intontion f thog Pantor Or Pantor in an sueti de ed is signisi sed by the se of the principat word of the corporate nam Ordo signation of an sueti religious Soet et O QOrporation, an dolior sueti religiolis foui et Or orporation have enterod in to the os fossion and oecupationis ueh
And whoreas it was in and by the seconit section offaid et, nacted thul, upon sit in and recorditi sueti State mento aforesti id the a id religious societies orcorporation Should bo duom sed ora vested in a goodandis urseo titio to a id reni stat so convoyed to themi, an erroneOUS Orporato nam uni designation asthough tho amo ad beon conv0yod to thom by their prope Corporate nam OP designation, and the salilvorifio statomenis, or ut certisted optes thereo fh0uid se received ns vide ne in an of the ouris filiis State. Therofore in Conformit With tho provision os salii
and that tho attor and things o forti in illo fore 2 oin Statem ent ar true. Subscribsed and woria obes ore me l .