Pharmacopoeia in usum Nosocomii Mancuniensis

발행: 1811년

분량: 323페이지


분류: 미분류



WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board, the hvmble memorial os Sir LUCAS PEPYS, Earonet, Physici an to His Majesty, and President of the College or Common-



alty of the Faculty os Physic in London,

setting sortii, that the suid President and College have, With great care, Pains, and industry, revised, corrected and reformeda book by them sormerly publisbed, intituled Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londis Sis, prescribing and directing the manner of preparing ali foris of medicinestherein contained, together uitli the triae iveights and meastares by Malch uiey oughtto he made : Whicli book is now persectedand ready to be publisbed, and, it is conceived, utili contribute to the public goodos His Μ esty's Subjecta, by preventingali decetis, disseretices, and uncertainties in mahing or compotanding os medicines, is,sor the future, the manner and sorm Prescribed therein stiould be practised by Apothecaries and others in their compositions os medicines: the Memorialist therei ore


jesty inali seem meet: -llis Majesty this day took the sa id memorial into His Rob ali consideration, and being desii ous to provide in ali cases sor the common good of his ople, and being persuaded that the est lishing of the generat use of the said book may tend to the prevention os sucii decet is in the making and compotanding os medi- Cines, Wherein the lives and health os His Majes 's Subjecis are so hi ghly concernet liath theres ore thought fit, by and with the ad vice os His Privy Councit, hereby to DU-ti iv to ali Apothecaries and ollierS concerni ed, to the intent they may not pretenil ign0rariCe thereos, that the sa id book called Pharum poeia Collegii Regulis Medicorum LOHdmens/s, is persected and ready to be


os Great Britatu called Eng 1id, dominionos males, or town os De inlck-umn-Tweed, that they, and every of iliem, immediatelyaster the said Pharmacoportu Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis stiali be printed and published, do not compound or make anymedicine or medicinal receipi or PrescriP-tion, or disti l any Oil Or Walers, or makeother extracis that are or shali be in the said Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis mentioned or named, in any Other maniter or sorin than is or shali be directed, prescribed, and set down in the saidb00k, and according to the weighu and


l 1xcept it shali be by the special direction or. lj rescription os fonte learned Physiciari inhaat bellais. Arad His Majesty doth hereby, ,eclare, that the Omenders to the contrary,





LUCAS PEPYS, Baronetius, Regis MedicuS, et Exercitiis medicus pinimarius, PILESES. Henricus Reveli Reynolds, Regis Medi S,

Ricardus Budii, Electus, et Thesaurariu3. Franciscus Mil mala, Laronetlu' Regi3 et Reginae, et ad regiam Familiam Medicis, ElectuS. Isaac Pennington, Eques Auratus, Medicina Regius Profenor Cantabrigia.


xiv Jacobus Hervey, Electus et RegistrariuS. Devereux Mytton. Johannes Matthews. Jacobus Roberison Barclay, Principissa mulliae Medicus eaetraordinariuS. Martinus Wall. Johannes Littieliales. Jacobus Carinichael Smyth, Regis Medicuseaetraordinarius, Electus. Johannes Latham, Principis mulliae Medicus extraordinarius, Electus. Johannes Mayo, Electus, et Censor. Gulielmus Savnders, Principis mulliae Medicus eaetraordiniariuS. Robertus Bourne. Matthaeus Baillie. Thomas ΜOnro. Gulielmus MOOre. Εdouardus Roberis. Henricus Vaughan, Regis Medicus extraordinarius.

Georgius Paulet Morris.


Henricus Ainsite. Gulielmus Hyde WollaSion. , Arthurus Daniel Stone. Christophorus Pegge, Eqties auratus, medicinae Regius Professor Oaeoniae. Christophorus Robertus Pemberton, Principis in alliae Medicus eatraordinariuS. Paggen Gulielmus MaFO. Ricardus Poweli. Gulielmus Heberden, Regis et Reginae Me

Georgius Willi ams. Devey Fearon. Carolus Gower. Samuel Holi and . Gulielmus Georgius Maton, Reginoe Media


Jacobus Hau orth. Jacobus Franch.

Ricardus Edivariis. Georgius Sinith Gibbes. Gulielmus Lambe.

Georgius Gilbertus Currey.

Thomas Turner. Richardus Patricius Satterley, GnSor. Edouardus Nathaniel Bancrost, CeuSOT. Carolus Dulsion Nevi Iason. Pelliam Warres . Robertus Bre . Johannes COOhe.

Arthurus Brooke Faul kner. Petru Ra inter Ricardus Faber. Tristramus Whilter. Clemens Hile.