Tentamen medicum inaugurale, de peste [electronic resource]

발행: 1814년

분량: 112페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



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Casum offugii militis Indici, in libro Domini, Gregor

invenire non possum; sed mihi videtur idem esse, ae ille memoratus in epistola a Domino Μ Gregor ad Doctorem Currie his verbis; ABoui tho iddis of October, 1801 aminduo, at tached to the commissar oriatile, ein sei Zed by the plagiae, pas by his surgeon conducte to the pest-houseo Rosetta, butis the evening of the fame dasmade his escape, and thoughirexat by tho centinet go ciear si W hoardis more of hi sor nearly four Eeks, Whenhe was Dund concented among the reedion the bank of the Nile, nea Boulac fro Whenc he was sentiown tolli arm the encamped ea Rosetta. On his arrivat, I inspected hi in long With his urgeon, M Guild howas Dee fro bubo and other symptomis severior plague. He mus have live chiefl on fugar-Cane, rice, date and what he could steal andistinisoarful oflaviniincurre militar punishment by running way Do the pest-house, he had concealed himself caret ussamong thoreedio the bank of the river. Did mentat vigour, ari-ain Dom a determine resolution in the indo to


V his counlrymen ad returne alive suppor him in hismight y 0weve this may be, rom ha I myseis havoseon, I have no do tibi that his exposure to the ope atri, da an night an perhaps his diei and siluation in

other respecis, conduce to his recovery. In illa epistola etiam dicit, In the pest-houses of the India army, We avere a fir8 very nsuccesssul, and a triat, ii vento a variet os modes of practice. Iind, o an examinatio of the reporis that athing with a solution os nitri acid, and sponging the sursace with vi negar and w ter, ore attende With thei est effecis. - Currie LMedica Reporis, Syc. Vol. II. edit. Secund Lond. I 805, P.

Νο. III p. 64.

Dominus Jackson in p. 274- operis sui, dicit, Hrecomendo Μ Bald vin's invaluabie rem pd os olivo Oil applied accordinit his directions severat eu's, and 8Omemussulmen ivere inducedri try it, and I, afterwariis visite by many t whom Phad recommend-od ii, andia give them,ritton directions in Arabic


hut that inhalfanhou more, a profuse perspiratio cameon, and continuexfor anotheriali ho ur, after Whicli ho experien ced relies thisae repeate fori days, and hemas me qui te recovered.V-Iackson ' Account f tho

Ercietuebat C. Stereari, cum typis Aleaeandri reson et Frt.