Metamorphoses, Book XI;

발행: 1900년

분량: 175페이지


분류: 미분류



the trichen strings Anii ne of these matrons, ser atr


mourni ut plainti e note, and the iseles longue somomournita murmur the antis ive a Ournita ansn ering echo And Oae, cari ted ut O sea, they the ea i and lyre leave thei native river, an tali possession os thestiore o Methymnaean Lesbos. Here a fiere serpent


tree Her reast, too, turn into a tree, nil also her

to hom, together illi Cecropian Eumolpus, Thracian Oritheus had hara ded ver his orgies Andos oon as herecognised his contrade and the companion his rites, On


givon it. Is he has ut his finger to the lost pillars thepillars seem to hine. Also, heu he had Washed his hand in clear ater, the ater o in through his an is could deceive Danae . He himself an carcet contain his


liho happiness. indlycis the divino natur of the ods. Bacchus restored hi to his forme condition no that he consessed his in and annulied the avolarii ven in salthfuldischarge i his promise . To prevent thyset ironi re-

there a vatintinctiis Ongs ei ore the tender nymph8,

and was tun in his light songin his axed resed, e dare lio despis the lays of Apollo in comparison illi his oWn,

Midas whora appene trioa nea the singer With a foret gnsong. iteraim, hol Tmolus turn ed his ac to the faceos Phoebus. The ood followed his iace. 0, illi his head netreled illi the lauret os Parnassus, Neeps theground with his robe dye an re-dye in Tyria purple, an holds p rom his est anil his lyre adorned illi precious stones and Indian ivory the other haud et tho


plectrum. The pose iseli mas iliat os an artist. Tlion hostir the strings illi si illa thurni, charmed by thoir

rende to the harp o Apollo. The judgmen an opiniono the sacre mountain pleas everyone; et the are


greed Troy aud siled ille landis ii chad eun a ea, and carrie of the wealth of the hvsbandinen an buried thse fiseid in his aves. Nor is this punishment sum cient tho

266. Peleus as happy both in his son and in his i se

hillin Phocus, ali good ortune ad appen ed. ThuTrachinian lati receives hi in gud tym his rother'salood,

and dri ven rom his home and native country. Here CeyX,SOn o Lucifer, and shoWin in his looks the beaut of his paretit, ruted iis hingdom ithout violetice and withou blood shed. He, at that time, ad and unlike himseli, was mourning the lossis his brother Aster the Sonis Eacus, earywith troubie and with his ourney had come hither, an diadestitered the cit With a fetu companio iis, and had est, do unii a liady valle notria troin the walis, the flock of sheepand the herils hich he was ringin Withaim, as Oonas an Opportunit is ive os approachin the ing, hestretches orth in suppliant and the wreathe olive branches, and telis him his circumstances and his birti, Hohides ni his crime, and spealis falsely bout the reason Ostiis ilight He asks the kinisor hel by receivinglim ei ther in his ityi in his country. In reply the Trachiniana ing


deservet punishment Her Ongue is no silent, nor oesany ound of the word sh attemptari ulter proceed si Om

em braces of the ather, and Osse consolation to in lovingbrother i ut her ather rec sive them O therWiso hauas a rocli receives the murmur of the ea, and he euails uncoasingly the los, o his davgliter. When, in deed, he auehor burning imur times the impulso came ponaim to rusti in to the mi is of the funera pyre. Dri ven bach Domth0nc sola timses h gives his Wis limbs to illulit, and

like a Oungi ultricia bears in iis gallei necti tho tings os


horneis, rusties h re there is no path Already the hose emet to me to Tun aster than a mortal, and ou

a cause O gri e to therg. 346. Ana hile the son o Lucifer a narratin thesem strvel about his rother, Phoeaean Anetor the vardianos his seriis, te to hini, running With antin has te,

and say Peleus, Peleus, I am come a messerager tothee great missortune.' Peleus command him toteli h Ate ver neWs e may bring Even the Trachinian prince im sol is in suspense, and his face rem bies With Dan The messen ger tella his tale had rivren


lurious at the sume time both with age and with hungor, stili Dis sorde in iis age. For it oes no care to nil tissastin and readsul hunge by the laughter of oxen, ut t

with his long hair dyod in lood Thereia poli Peleus,