장음표시 사용
Assuming that ali planis are bulli up of celis, and that tho
and lichens. Theso aru distinguished by different solubilities in
The cdll-Wali os fungi consista thun os this motacellulose orfungin. They contain no lignin or Woody fibre. Ali varieties of cellulose have the composition Ch Οι, or a multiple os it. The coll-contenis, On the other hanii, are very complex. Os coursu there is Water, Varying hom 90 per cent. , in fleshy species,to 9 per cent. in a Woody Polyporus. Also essentiat to life is somu variety of fibrin or album en ; Substances classed together under then amo of albuminolds, ' and distinguish0d by containing nitrogenas Woli as carbon, hydrogen and oxygon, by their complicated constitution, and the ready changes they undergo under the action ofvital forces or os putrefaction. As these Substances are especially
and Polyporus officinalis. Hamisit and Plowright establishod the presence of OX alate os limo, or acid OX alate os potassium, in 30 species of Agaricus. In Fistulina hopatica they Dund 0 083 percent. Os fr00 oxalic acid. Seo the Chemicat Society's Journal, i 879, sor ollier analyses by them. The fungie acid ' os Braconnotand earlier observers is a mixture os citric, malic, and phosphorieacids. Somo fungi contain si eo acetic auid. Various resins have been isolat0d, but are not weli desin ed. The coloring matters of sungi are osten very characteristic, butare chemicatly Stili very obscure. Four yelloW or Orange matterS have been made ovi, distinguished by giving, When vieWed throughthe spectroscope, tWo absorption bands in the green or blue, dissering in position. Phycoaeanthine is yelloW. Perizaaeanthines rom Pegiga aurantia is Orange . There are also tWO relatives os the Xanthophyli or yelloW coloring mattor of leaves. Ali these are
violaceUS. From Polyporus purpuraeeus Occurring on o alis, and remari able
constituting 43 5 per cent. of the dry sungus. It is an OchreyelloW povder, in Solubie in Water, but solubiu With intense violet color in athalies. It crystalliges from hol alcohol in sua ali plates, having a brongy lustre. The salis also crystallige. It belongs totho aromatic Series, and is relateii to benZOic ac d . A section os Boleti, notably B. luridus, contain a yelloU coloring matter, Whicli turn s blue ou eΣposure to air. Phipson has asserted that this vas a derivative os aniline. But notther aniline nor iis
salis have this property. Seeing that the Indigo plani and the
Was amorphous, ac id, Solubie in Water and aluohol, and appeare dv0ry similar to the humus - like bo dies extracted froni p0at, yc. Itd id not contain nitrogen. I could not, hoW0vor, obtain the bluem atter in a pure State on account of iis rapid decompositiora, butit certainly contains 110ither indigo nor aniline. It has b00n stat sed that B. cyanescens yieliis a b roWnish yelloW pigment, turn ed deep-blud by sodium hypochloritu, and unaffected by W0ali alii alios oracilis, and that similar reactions occur With B. luridus, Satanas, calopus, and variegatus. I Dund, hoWever, that B. luridus Mas
characteristic odor8. Certain compact groups of carbon and hydrogen, Whicli can pa8s entire hom compound to compoUnii, aretherice called compound radicies. The alliati ammonia, then, belligcomposed of one atom of nitrogen to three atoms of hydrogen, canliave iis hydrogen replaced by one or more of these compound radicies. So W0 form a se compound ammonia, ) or amine.' ' These amines V partalle os the characters of the alliati ammonia, and hence are called athaloris. Thuy are generalty colorie8s, alliatine in reaction, and Di In crystalligabio salts by union With acids. As a rute, they are poWerfui in their action on the system, hencethe planis Whicli contain notabio quantities of them are either medicineS, potSons, or perhaps condiments like pepper, Or Semi- medicinal Dods lik0 tea or como. For this reasou their study is a most important seature os plant-chemistry.
ulso soland in ille floWors of Crataegus OXyacantha, Crataegu8 monogyna, PyruS aucuparia and communiS, Chenopodium Vulvaria, and in some odorous fungi, especialty in Ergot of rye, and in putre-0ing yeast. Probably Phallus impudicus and Clathrus cancellatus o Wo thoir odor to trimethylamine.
Belaine occurs in Beta vulgaris and Lycium barbarum, but has not yet been Dund in fungi. Mu80arine, Co Isis Nosi, Was discovered by Schmeideberg about 1873. In tho Cho misello Contrat blati V of 1876, p. 554, occurshis paper es tablishing iis composition and artificiat production. Itoccurs together With amanitine in Am. muscaria. The juicu is evapora ted, trealed With alcohol, and then With lead acetate. Astera long and complicated process the hydrochlorides of muscarine and amanitine are Obtained, and are separated by pressing With paper, Whieli absorbs the more deliquescent muscarine sali, and leaves theam anitine. The yield is verI Amali, as 2 lbs. of the alcoholic extraci representing a very much larger quantity of the fungus, per-haps about 40 or 50 lbs.) gave only about l OZ. Os mu Scarine. Muscarine foruis a colori ess inodorous syrup, crystalliging With great disticulty, eastly solubie in Water and alcohol, sparingly inclitorosorua, and nos solubie in ether. It is strongly aikaline, forms crystalligabie deliquescent salis, and is a Strong narcotic, insome respectS antagoniStic to atropia. Later researches shoWthat this antagonisin os physiological effect is not complete ; theruare laterat actionS of each poison Which may mahe a combine i doseos caeli more fatal than the fame quantity os either Separalely, SOthat iis action as an antidoto must be caresully Walched. J Mus carine has not been Obtainsed hom any other natural Source, but caubo made artificiatly hom amanitine.
Amanitine, Ut Hii NU, is identical With the animal bases
b. It can be prepared artifici ally by a complicated process. It is only os late years that the identity of these producis has
lidat both muscarine and amanitino Sield triinethylumino. ThopaSSage si om muscarino and amanitine to betaino has not yot boon effected. The prico os muscarine, either natural or artificiat, is is . per grain. I have not suun amanitine mentioned in a price list,
corresponds With Hypo lon in habit anil in fructification, but Withmembranaceous instead os carbonaceous perithecia. Is it be correct totali e Such a Vi0W, then Sphoeria gastrina, Fr., Will be analogous to the pulvinate Species of Hypo lon, and Diatrue grandinia, B., to there Supinate species. Even as We have dissected the genus, it is open to Strong objection, as the consequence of adopting an arti sciat standarii in the sporo. Manifestly, is the species With a membranaceous perithecium are to bo separated from thogo having a carbonaceous perithecium, then the other generio limits should correspond, uni ess it be contended that a featuro hold to bo os generic value in ono instance is in applicabie in the other. Corresponding to Daldinia, We have propoSed Our genu S Sarco lon, and correSponding to Hypo lon, We noW proce ed With Fuc elia, but, UnleSS We are greatly misi alien, the genuS Fuchelia, as represented by the subgenus of the Same name, includes either more or tessilian iis analogiae HypoXylon, by embracing Valsioid fornas, and 0xcluding essus ed HypoXyloid form8, Such aS Diatrue grandinia, B. The only escape hom Such an anomalous position Would have been in the separation and exclusion os ali species Whicli did not consortii to the habit os Hypo lon. That is-having acceptud the principio that the genus si, ould include only species Willi sinapiqcoloured sporidia and membranacentis perithecia, the rest should folloW on the fame plan as adopt0d sor species With simple coloured sporidia and carbona eous perithecia. HOWe ver We are not prepared to propos e the delatis of any such arran gement, but shallendeavour to malle the best of the present.
Stroma rather fleshy, pallid, or brightly coloured, Subglobose, pulvinate, Or depreSSed, perithecia Submembranaeeous, Sporidia simple, coloured.
is just possibiu, 8hould We find leisiare to proceed any surthur, thalamongst otherS of the old genera Some Species may be Dund whichwould bo buttur localized in this genus, is in deuit there is any validreason for the genus at all. W0 may Observe in paSSing, and achnoWledgo With gratitudo, that Pros. Saccardo has, in the Appendix to his last volumo. kindlypointod out severat typographicat errorS p. Xlii.) in Our com
Stromatu diatrypoideo, puStulato, peridermio primo tecto, demum stellat0-fissurato, prominulo 1-2 min. diam.), peritheciis paucis, in singulo stromate, 4-6 monOStichiS, maju SculiS globosis, tenuibus. Ascis cylindricis, breviter Atipitatis ; Sporidiis uni serialibus ellipticis, utrinque obtusiS, fuscis 016 Y 0l uim.).
Erumpens, hemisphaerica, demum libera, atra, composita ,-1mm . diam.), Stromate corticali primitHS fu Seo velata, peritheciis tenuibus membranaceis, Subglobosis immersis, Vix papillatis. Asdis cylindraceis, substipitatis. Sporidiis ovalibus, atro- fuscis 012 κ-009 Inm.).
papillatis. Ascis cylindricis. Sporidiis uniserialibus, ellipticis, pallido fuscis 008 Y 004 mm.).on branches. United States. Fructification hom original specimen. ex. Herb. Schweinitz.'ARRANGEMENT. The arran gement adopted in the following listis merely a subdivision into three sections, tho srst of Whicli in cludes Such species as Mould havo been placed according to the Friesian system in Dia rve or Valsa I the second contains SpecieSMith an erumpent pulvinate stroma, analogous to What is Seen in
NOTE. F. decipiens and F. hia8oens haVo tho porithocia far too carbo naccous to accord Wolt With the other species. It is, in faut, doubisul ii thodistinction is a practicabie One.
Wo talio this opportunity of Supplementing our revision os Hypo lon by the addition os a Species Which WaS accidentally omitte i.
io bo lus f than had been linown sor many years, and in many PariSof tho Easturn counties the fame complainis Were made. In War-Wici Ahire, as sar a8 W0 could judge, the number both os species and individuals Was unusualty smali. In Epping Forest We have suun during the past Autumn se Ner fungi than We have observed for many years. Henco We inser that although the generalcharacter of the year in England was uiis avolarabie to the produc tion os a good crop of fungi, thure Were in a seW localities as manyas are usu atly to be found in an eXcellent year. Fungi Would suum to obey no iam or is they do, sonae laN Whicli is at present inexplicabie to us, Since in one placo they have been Scarce, and in another plentiful, at the Same time. The character of tho Fungus flora around Herosord se0med tobo rather marhed by the Occurrenue Os numerous Species of Cortia nariu8, and at the Same time Epping Forest, Whicli usualty furnishos severat species in considerable numbers, yielded this year only hereand there a Solitary Specimen. Os the species Dund around Heresorii, the solioWing is an approximate list: