장음표시 사용
b Writ in Indirect Discourse ne of the Wo Sentenues of the spe ech in a).
annon 14. antequam, Se priuSquam 79.
Conditio iis, 100. miXed 102. in indirect discourso, 102, 163. os compariSon 157. constat 166. constituo, 148, 168.
of the holo 27. objective, 122. partitiVe 27. predicate 123. subjective, 122. With adj sectives 89, 123. With interest an refert, 126. With urbs os oeling, 125. Witti vorbs of judiciat action,
126. Witti verbes Os memory, 125. Gerund 65, 176. GerundiVe, 65, 173. Hindering VerbS I, 56. hortor ut 39. iam diu, etc. 141. idoneus, illi dative, 86. idoneus est qui 146. igitur, 178. ImperatiVe, 97. Imperfeci indicative, 140. impero, With dati Ve 59. impero ut 39. Impersonat se of VerbS 60, 69, 140. Impersonat VerbS, 166. imus 177. in Witti ablati V O ReeUSatiVe,32.
indignus, 135 146. In direct discourso 26, 31 162.
command in 163. complex Sentence in , 31.
conditions in 102, 163. queStion in 162. statement in , 26. Indiro et disco urso implied 161. In direct Objeci 129. In direct question S, 13, 16. Indi reet senexives, 2, 32. Infinitive, as Objeet, 168. as subjeet, 166. Complementury, 167. in indirect disco urSe 26. interest, 126 166. Intransitivo Verbs in paSSi Ve 140. iubeo, 39, 168. Judicia aetion, exbS I, 125. OWing, VerbS 1, 26.
ne . . . quidem 179. -ne 9, 16. neceSSe e St 71, 166.
num, , 16. obligation 68 71. Obliviscor 125. 0p0rtet 72, 166. opuS St, 166. opuS, Willi ablative, 135. ordoris,ord S, 177. ought 72. paenitet 125. parco, 59. pareo, 59. Participies 36, 172. PasSiVe, impersonal, 60, 69, 140. patior 39, 168.
Periphrasti conjugationS 67 68. permitt6, 39. persuadeb, 39, 59. peto ab 132. peto ut 43.