장음표시 사용
Tan Devotion of the Way of tho Oroas, calledalso the Stations of the Croas, has been enrichedis disterent Popes mith ait tho indulgences Whichcan be gained by personalty visiting tho holyplaces of Jerusalem. These indulgences are RP-
os Port-Maurice, as practised in the Coliseum. Persona Who lar valid remona are unable fovisit the stations of the Via Crucis erected in
ple, the sicli, those in prison or at sin an Minali the abo--mentioned indulgenoes by reestingsourteon Patera aud Avos, and at ino end Memore Paters, Aves, and Glorias, solioWed by --
Sancta Materi istud agas, Crucifixi fige plagas
r. Adoramua te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi R. Quia per amotam crucem tuam redemisti
Pilato, in WUAE Jesus our good Lord receivsdtho uniust sentenco os deast. Consider, O my fouit the wonderies submia-aion of Jesus, our innoeent Lord, in receisingso undust a sentenoe; and remember that tis si more ae salse Witnessos, and thy blasphemies,
Pavem avs. Moria. V. inserere nostri, Domine. R. Miserere nostri. The proclearion gem movis to the second Sin 'riving aa bovire,
Sancta Mator i istud agas, Crucifixi fige plagas
r. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedidimus tibi. R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti
Piam'. sve. Gloria. V. Miserere nostri, Domine. R. Miserere nostri.
V. Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi. R. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti