장음표시 사용
relates many barren facis, Without statingilie circumstances With Whiel the wero Connected, and he miStakeS Very hereth passion os men for the finge of God. The compiter os Chronicies ore in hos ages ignorant os the rue nil audinaequainted with the prope objecis
os history. ut illi ali iis desecis, thechronicie os the Armenian kingsis Cilicia,
luabio Tho Dioni os histor may no b onableda sortii an estimate of the origin and the increas os an empire, hi Chsor an os materiat has been vertooked by the mos learnei and acute historianS.
Gibbon, os hom it is doubilat whethorwe hould mos admire his genius o his erudition in his celebrat ei Wor simplymentions the iam ei Cilicia, a Lingilom, whicli carried on successsu Wars agninStthe emperor os Constantinopte undwhieli, si oui the heginningis the Crusades remainod the frienti and ali os the Franks, and to Miloui bolonged a par os the sen-ConSt, that continued rom the timo os Egellio the theatre os the Commere os the worid. he Venetians uni GenoeSewere so impressed illi the importanee o Cilicia, that the nando Severu Commerciat realios illi the Armenian Lings;
the Armenian original os ne os thesen re ement S together illi a translationandiotes, has been print ed by the leni neclorientalist, aint-Martin. The rus adors ero astonishod orandivithin tho frontier os tho Bygant in em Pire a poWersul prince an mali os homilio had evor osore eard mention. Nicetus botraysi Want of historica lino v-ledge and researeli, in saying that the
Armenian and Germans ore unite d
imagos' The Germans and a great partis the Armenians, noli Contrary, et nonversion to the Orshil os mages, ut the lati ei , ver sine therars division filio Arsacidian in giloni o Armenia bo- tween the Sassanidos and the Greelis, in the ea three hundred and ighty-Seven,
Nicolas II p. 148. wonde that Montesquieu, in mukingus of this passage of Nicetas Grandeur et Decadenco de Romains, ch. xxii.), has O hoen structi illi it incorrecines ;i di notiscape ho criti ea discerniuenti Gibbona the Declino and Fall, etc. ch. 4'. . n. 7.
By the uirius an crue divisionis thel ingiloni os Armenia, tho urges and mos fertile par of the colanti seli asthe Contemporary historian Lagaris Barbobserves to the empire os Persia The Bygantine emperor and the SasSanian princes ori Whil permitted nativo kingsto old n precariotis sceptro ut theyWere speedilb dismis sed and the Bygantino partis Armenia a governodi a Greel magistrate, and the Persititii a Marshanor argrave This State of the Country, somowhat similar to that os the Maronitos inmur timeS, RS on a Suddon Changed by the conquest os the Arabs but the Armenians ould not Ceept the oran, and thoi condition beeam WΟ1 Se under
Thomain alui os di no long remninmastor bothis Cilicia and of a par of Armenia Propera ut teide to the sortune and the Strength of the descendanis of smanor Othman when the Armenians again seli, as in sorine times, nil the dis-aster to hicli the frontier provincesbe tween Wo rival empires are Sually
transplante thousand of Christian amilies to tho distant provinces of Persia, and transforme fertile provinces into artificia deseris. The Armenian theresore, liko the Jews, ere oblige to disperse
India, on the istantis of the Eastoria Archipelago, in Singapore in Afghanistan, Persia, Egypt in Ver par of Asia inor and Syria, Russia, Poland AUStria, Italyn and even the preSent patriarchis Abyssinia is an Armenian he vallant descondanis
great service to the Eust-India Company in Carryin On their trade illi the inland province of Hindosiano Dd it asinoethought that the wero iter for this partos the mercantile bu SineSs, than an agentSof tho Companniiseis. It is no more thaniat a centur Sineethe modern Armenian proVinees egant look on Russiarior succour an relies, en the Empres Catherino bellaved in many instanee mos generousi to theruinediolis of horgonia The fortunate Wars o Russi against the hali and tho Sullan avo within the last ten earSbrought the reater par of the oldiarthian kingdomi Armenia unde the Wayos tho might CZars di seem probabie,
Bruco' Annals of the ast-India Compan iii. 8. The mercantile companios tradin to differsent puris of Asia found every there the Armenians in thoi way the Armenians ecamejoulou on the ne intruder of thei commerce, and trie t remove ilium by intrigues Seu Uin way, i. 303.