Corynecrinus, a new Devonian crinoid genus

발행: 1934년

분량: 6페이지


분류: 미분류


The dorsat clip is obconical and made iis os tisin platos. The infra- basilis forna a low ring that is practi catly concealed by the columia. Tlio basilis ure large, particularly the posterior, Wisicli is considerablyhigitur anil broador than tho others. Tho radials have a horSOShoeshapsed arm-sacet with a Wid th abolit thr00-fistiis that os tho upporsace of the rudiat. The out standing charactoristic os illo Arms is tholarge nil nabor os primibractis. The brachials ure perfora ted by una xiiii canal, and the sood-groove is closed by a doubio series os coue1 ing plutos. There is no Spectat anal plate, two os the iube platos rest-ing direct ly on the up per Stoping shouldors of the posterior basii l. The anal tubo is long, Slendor, and composed os a sow vertical series os plates. The column is large, tisin Walled, and quadripartite and

may have had a multilocular Structure. Corynecrinus iS most nearly comparabie to Lecythocrinus J. Mullor,to whicli it doubiloss is closely relato t. Tho dorsal cup os Coryne- crimis, obconical to subcylindricul in Shape, is in markod contrusi totho low bowl-shapod cup os Lecythocr=nus. The most Obviolis disso1 ence is in nrm Structuro, the numerouS primibractis Os Corynecrinus boing a Strihing and unti Sual senturo. The anal tubo os Corynecrinus is composed os relativoly Io v ranges os compuratively large plates ii Scomparod with Lecythocrinus. Tho column is relatively largor in Coryne rinus and with a thinnor Wall. Is a multilocular structurowas prosunt the divi ling partitions Wore much thinner. The crOAS section os tho column in Grynectinus is subcircular rather than


and it is dissiculi to disserentiato botw00n what might bo an in si abasal ring or the proXimul columnal. The posterior basal is largo relativeto the othors, having a height oi 4. 8 nim iis against a height os 4 minsor tho adjaconi basal to tho luit. The posterior basiit is heptugonal