장음표시 사용
iii fasting during hau ins period, requiring the observance of fasting on only tvenu days besors ins Nativity. John Beleth, A.D. 1102, and Durandus, A.D. 1286, notice stat S. Thomas' DV has novigil, beeause it occurs in Advent vhen tho sest is continuous, that is, dassy. S. Peter ins Venerabis, the ninin Abbat of Cluny, A.D. 1123, sus, Since a more than ordinary abstinencs is heptby nearly the Whole Ch oh on these dvs, in der in prepare for the Nativity of the LORD,
i Some severe monastio ordere, e.g. the friare minors,
S. Stephen, ins Archdeacon and Protomartyr, suffered on the 26th of December, in the year of our
the Evangelist is observet in the Oresh Churoh oncto 26st os September; and in tho Ethiopian Oh ohon the 30in os December. In the Armenian and Gallican rites the Apostles SS. Iames and John areuested in ono celebration on the 27th December. The seast of tho Holy Innocents is celebrared in the Wostem Ch oh on the 28th December, in the Orseh Churoh on the 29th, and in the Ethiopian inuroh on the 26th and 29st. S. Thomas. hBecheth Archbishop of Canterbury, vas martyredon ine 29in December, A.D. 1170, and canoniged A.D. 1173. S. Silvester med on the 31st December, A.D. 335, On Which day his ferat is hept in thematem Church; but tho Oroeta hesp it on the 2nd of Janua . His sestival vas made generalin the Latin murch by Gregory IV. A.D. 1227. The proper sor ins seasis of theso Sainis has been ven in this place, for the salie os convenience, because thsy are immoveable semis, and universally
Eouettio. Excita, Domine, potentiam Tuam; et veni: et quod Ecclesiae Tuae usque in finem saeculi promisisti, clementer operare. Qui vivis. missa. Adventum Domini nostri JEsu Christi, fratres carissimi, votis omnibus praestolantes, Dei Patris
omnipotentiam imploremus, ut corda nostra purificet, et corpora immaculata conserveti Expectemus conscientia secura Venturum; Quem super omnem principatum et potestates credimus exaltatum. Simus ergo per singula momenta sollieiti, ut mereamur habere propitium, Quem credimus et latemur ad judicandos vivos et mortuos in
gloria esse Venturum. Dissili 06 by COOste
nie XV. Novembris. Betreta. Praesta, Domine, quaesumus : ut dicato muneri, congruentem nostrae devotionis offeramus affectum.
uranatio. U. Deus. Cui proprium est ac singulare,
quod bonus es; et nulla unquam a Te es commutatione diversus : propitiare supplicationibus nostris : et Ecclesiae Tuae misericordiam Tuam, quam confitentur, ostende; manifestans plebi Tuae Unigeniti Tui mirabile Sacramentum: ut in uniVersitate nationum perficiatur, quod per Verbi Tui Evangelium promisisti: et habeat plenitudo adoptionis, quod pertulit testificatio veritatis. Per. I inevittio piscopalis. Omnipotens Deus, Cujus Unigeniti Adventum, et praeteritum creditis, et futurum expectatia: Ejusdem Adventus vos illustratione sanctificet et sua benedictione locupleteti Amen. In praesentis vitae stadio vos ab omni adversitato defendat, et se vobis in judicio placabilem ostem