장음표시 사용
O in three iunctis poetical composition hich, in accord- ance Wit in Mosse' direction, have eve been in use in me Church rialis an Hymns an Spiritua Songs,' imo resupplied by inspiration. - have o need, through God'sboumy, to turn om thought to the composition o Psalm or ngs and wJudge stom the attempt Whic have been made, doubiles We are nequa tocit. An the napproachable e celle e of the two hic have been supplied serves to suggestine diffinities hic beset the compositio of the third whichhas no been supplied. Indeed, it is hares to strongrio saythat to rite Hymns is a muta beyon us as to originate Psalinody. The peculiarit of the salin is thei comingnearer than an other kin o devotion to a converse Withthe poWers of the unsem Morid. They are longe and reer
viii PREFACE.than Prayers and astring so are les a direct adctes to the Throne forace than a sortis intercourse, firs Wit oneself, the with one' brethren the with aint an Angeis, nay, even in mori an ali creatures. The consist maies of thepraises of God and the ver natur os presse involves a ce lain abstinence rom intimate approaches tomim, and the introductionis otheraeings into ou thoughis, through,homour offering may come round tomim. For sine andrae oesy, is the direct objectis prayer socii is more ecomingnoto regata imos directi addresse in Walse, hichWould impi passin a judgmen o Him horis bove aliscrutin and ali standards. The Seraphim Hed one miriother, moly Holy Holy,Viseising thei saces; eister lookingior spe in tomim. The satas, then, a beta pinifes and thanksgivings, are the languam the ordinar converse, ascit ma be callad of Saint an Angeis in heaven and beingsuch, could notae Writte excepta men ho ad heata the inspeahabi inings ,hic there are ultered. In this light the are more dissiculi stan Prayers. Beggars an expres their Want i a prince the cannot converse like his couniers. Much the fame remar may be made bout the Songcor Canticles of the Church, hic are also inspired, and are hin o riatas ritie so particular occasio , chiesi occasions of thanksgiving. Such are the wo Song o Moses, the Son o Hannah, hos in Isaiah, . the Son o Hegislah,
o Habakkuk of the Three Children, o Zacharias, of the Blesse Virgin, and of Simeon mos of Whic are in the
pari admitissaeing taken rom Scripture. It has le also toth repetitio of the Lord' Prayer, and of the diris Eleison: and again to the use of Collecis, hich lesse the dissiciat ofaddressing God by subjectis it to fixe rules. ence urbes Famil Prayers are What mayae calle a succession of Sentences strang together, the simple an concise expressiono our humiliation, ear hope, an destre, sor urselves Mothers. Long ublic rayers, o mali a genera assertionwhic of co se admits of exceptions are arrogant and irreverent hince thetharisees made them. ence, too theunchastised emision hic abound in the present da among thos who have lest the Churchis tostae spirit. The great Eucharistic irayer is early the onlr long Prayer in the
Catholic Church and there is ver reason to suppos that in iis substanc it proceias rom inspiria auctorities. Iniurown Servicerit has been separated by our Resormercimo three distinc portions. Hymns, hoWever,aeing of the natur os presses, anno bealtogether brought doWn to that grave an severe character Which, asaeing direct addresses to God the seem to require; and thicis thei peculia difficulty To presse God speciallyso Redemption to contemplate the mysteries of the Divine Nature, to enlarge Mon the delatis of the Economyi Grace and yet nota offend to invoke With a e to express affectionwith a pure heari, to e subdue an sober While, rejoice, an to mine professions it ut duplay, and ali his notunder the vel o figurative language, as in the salms, ut plainly, and a it were abruptim sines require t have ad one' lip touche with a coal rom the Altar,' to avecaurat rom heaven that ne songV hic noman could leam, ut in hundred an sori and ou thousand whichwere redeme stom the earin' the virgin sollowers of the
Our Churta, it the remarhable caution hic sh dis- play so osten, has no attempte it in has received the Psalm an Songchom Scripture and rejecting the Roman Hymns, has substitute in thei stead notisthera, but a metrica versionis the Ρsaltas his abstinence has ted on the one
liandri some of her member o theiriwn responsibilit supplying the deficiency, and has incurred tho complaint of othos, Who argue that sh ought to have taken o hersei What,being right in laself, Will certainly be donei private hands, fno by the fittin authordy. ut in truth, When it Was necessar soram to abando inose he had received nothin Waslest to heraut to ait illi ine hould receive thers, a in thecoursem ages he had atready received by litti an sirile. The Roman Hymns, hester good or ad Were the Workosio ne generation, much les the ut uring of One mind. The wer no the content of one collection, published aline in a da accordin to the wil of man. The were thegradual accumulations o centuries, bearing in id an newupon one treasur house. When there Was a cassa reject them, there a nostinxto e done bullegi again. e could notbe mun an old at o e. I Was a stem necessit alone hic could compelis to change stom What me ere; ut bring changed, o far We Were not What we were, an must bewhat the primitive Church Was in these respecis, poor an ill- fumished. e egan the worid again. his is the properans e to inconsiderate complaint an impatient interserence. There have besore now been divines Who could write aliturgyin hirty ichours Such is no our Church's way. he is no the empirico mahe things to orderi an to profes tuanticipate the ourse of nature, Which, unde graee, as under
A far a We know the public Hymns of the early Churchwere not much more than the fosso ing. First, stariing rom Scripture, M adopte in repetitionis the miliatijah. Whichis described by St. Jo , in the Revelations tot in chant of the bl essed inhabitant of heaven. ex may be mentionedine Gloria Pasti, preti m Mas, nomuserit Thirdly the Trisamon, or moly Holy Ηdly,V rom Isaia vi. or, ascit as also sed an no ris, in the Roma Church, Ianctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Immortalis.' Besides these, there a themomin or Angeli Hymn beginiunx it theword used by the Angeis a the nativity and so the evening
st Basil These remo metricat, a the were aster ards; nor are two ther of a later date, hich, stili relata, theri Deum and the Athanasian Creed. The are both of lallica origin though the forme has been ascribe to St. --brose offers, hoWever, nomenant, are ceriaiulfhisa 'othersare the compositions of St. Hilary, Prudentius, St. Gregory,
an later ainis It is notio much to sancte that judgingby What we know of the Hymns of the primitive Church, . should notae dissatisfied Wit the paucit of thos Whichcustom has With a sortis tacit authority, introduce amoreus in the ourse of severa centuries. Μore, doubsess, miratae selecte stom the writings of our sacre Poetiri ut since, rom uis p circumstances, me a Work oes no seem likel a the present day thoughtfulmi s naturalirreveri to the discarde collections of the ante- reform era discarde because of associations it Whic theywere then VieWed, and of the interpolations by hic theywere dissigured but Which, When purified stom these, re far more profitabis to the Christia than in light and wantonem1sions hic are thei present substitute amon us may even inch a the Parisian, hic are here firat presented to thereader, hic have no equa claim to antiquity breat, an ancient spirit an eum here therare the Work of One pen, are the join and invisibi contributionis many ancient tands. Μor ver the ancient language sed has a tende to throw the reader ut os everyχarthoughis and familia associations, an to malae iam fervent mithout insing to e mortised. Μan a man could ear o rea in Canticles in a meim languam horis unequa tori in his o n. It vi remaris to say that the ollowin selectio osi Ums stomine aris Breviary, has been confine to inch
xiv PREFACE.hol day an seasons as are recogniZed by ou Church, o tospecia evenis o ining recorde in Scripture those Hymns, ho ever, bein omitte Which containe invocation to the Mints of such a natur a toae, even in the largest udgmentos charity not mere postrophes,aut supplications. J. H. N.
mmni Ordinarii IH ni de Tempore 26
Commune es Proprium de rasis lO5 Commune Sanctorum 167oxologiae 2LI