Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen Wissenschaften

발행: 1788년

분량: 673페이지


분류: 미분류


that stood in competition with honour, and the firRbonoor of the sex has ever been that of chasti ty. Tholanti ineuis and conduci of the se iii gh- spirited matrons may, at orice, bo conlidered as a cause, as an esseci, and as a pro of of the generat character of tho nation. Female courage, bo ever, it may be rai sed by fanati- eisin or confirmed by habit, cari bo only a saltit an limperfect imitation os he manly valoor, that distinis suishes the age or country in Which it may lie found . The religious system of the Germans lf the wild opinions of savages can deserve that namo was dicta- ted by their wanis, their fears, and their iguorance. They adored the great visibie objecis and agents of Da- ore, the Suri and the Moon, the Firo and the Farth; togethee with thoia imaginary deities, who were supro sed to preside over tho most important occupations of homan Iiti. They were persuaded, that. by semelaidiculous aris of divination, they could disco ver thewill of the superior heings, and that human sacri ficta mere the most precio us aud acceptable ossering to their altars. Some applause bas been hastily bestowed ontine sublime notion, euteria ined by that People, of the Dei ty, ---, Whom they Deliber confined inithin the walis of a temple, nor represented by any humanfigore; but When me recolleci, that the Germana iseroe,onsilied in architectnre, and totally unacquainted



The fame ignorance, Which renders barbariana incapable of concei ving or embra cing the uiasul res-traitiis of laws, exposes them Dahed and uia armed to tho: blitid terrors os se perstition. The German priesis, imis proving this savourable temper of their countrymen, bad a Iso med a jurisdiction, even in temporal concerna whia the magistrates could not Venture to exerciso Hand the haughty warrior patiently submitted to tho. Iam of correction, When it Was inflicted, not by any humati power, but by the immediate ordo of the god os war. The defeers of civit poli cy v με sometimea supplied by the interposition os ecclesiastical auctorit trio latter- was eo istanti, exerted, to maintain sileneo and deceney in the popular assem biles; and was lamei ἀδελ Asel ded, tb ti more enlarged condem for tho natio at welsare. A solemn procession was occasionalj celebrated in the prela't countries of Μealo urg and


But the In fluence of religion Was sar more po-IU to inflame, than to moderate, the sterce palsiorisor the Germans. Interest and fanaticism osten prompt-ed ita ministera to sancti sy the inost daring and the moli uti iust ente rises. by the approbation Os Heaven, aud fuit assurances of su ess. The coiisecrated ita dards, long revered in the groves os superstition, Here placed in the front of the batile; and the hostile armywas devoted with dire execrations to the gods os warahd of thunder. In the faith of soldiers cand sucti .ere the Germans cowardice is the most unpard nable of sns. Α brave man was cte inorthy favourito

G their martiat deities; the wretch, who h ad lyst his taleid, inas altho banished nom the religious and thainvii assem bliea of his countrymen. Some tribes of thonoriti, se em to have embraced the doctrine os transmigration, olbers imagined a groti paradiso os immortal uisennesi. Ali agreed, stat a lite spent in arms, anda glorious deast in batile, inere the best preparations sex a happy laturitν, esther in this or in. another

vas, in lamo degree, conferred by the bards. That singular order of men has most deservedly attractedibo Dotice of ait who have attempted to investigatoine antiquities of the Celis, the Scandi navians, and

tho Germans.

Their genius and character, as weli ag ths reve-: renee pa id to that important ossice, have been sum .eienti ν illustra ted. But we cannot lo eastly Eripresi, Or , even conceive, me enthusiasin os arms aiad glornwhiin ther hindled in the breast of their audience. Among a poli med people, a lasse for poetry is ratheraud amusemetit of the istucy, than a passion of tho laul. .


And yet, When in calm reti rement, me peruia thscombais described by Homer or Tasso, we are inseno Lbly seduced by the fiction, and Del. a momentarΥHow os martiat ardour. But how faint, how col dis ille sensation whicli a pea tesul mitid ran receive nom solitary stodyl It was in the bour os batile, oriti the feast of victory, that the barda celebra ted thoglory of heroes of ancierit da ys, the ancessors of tholawarithe chi est alias, who lictened with transpori to their artioli, but animaled si ra in s. The view of arms and of danger, heightened the erici os military songi and the passons whicli it tended to eκcite, the de si re offame, and the contempt of death, were tua habitualsentiments of u German miud.


Albertus Argentinensis, apud Urstis. T. II. P. IO


Q Et lieet d eti negotii expeditionem innumerae orbis et Praecipue ipsius Imperii ae terrae sinetae necessitates exposterent,


rent; ad eam totius Concilii quasi communis clamor impelis teret, et vulgaris assertio nobis et Eeclesiae Romanae non parcens, imo contra nos et ipsam non solum murmuransi

t sed exclamans. illud nimis perieulose differri. Apud Ray-