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an immense sum sor them, insomuch that the hing said shewas mad. In anger sile fung three books into the fire, and stillasked the fame sum for the rest. When the king resused ii, again sile fiung three others into the fire and stili asked the fame price sor the three that were test. At last, astonished be-yond measure, Tarquin was glad to pay sor three books thesame price sor which he might have bought nine. The oldwoman straightway disappeared, and was never feen bes reor aster. These were the Sibylline books, whicli the Romans consulted as a divine oracle by some one of the Quindecemvirs, and this is belleved to have been the origin of the Quindecemvirale. What did this Sibyl teach the proud hing by this
of the laity, lihe great lighis in the worid, and possess the dig
blow be smitten violently with the wound of an anathema.
ried out to Neptune, or planted in the earth may fructis' sor Pluto, or may be offered amid the flames as a saltened holocaust to Uulcan, or at least may be hiing Up as a victim to Iuno: while our nursi ing at a single rea ling of the book of lisse is han led over to the custody of the Bishop, and rigoUr ischanged to favour, and the forum being transserred frona thelaity, death is routed by the cierk who is the nursi ing of books.
gladiy, as the load-stone draws the iron nothing loth. What an infinite host of books lie at Paris or Athens, and at the Same time refound in Britain and in Romel In truth, while restingthey yet move, and while retaining their own places they a re carried abolit every way to the minds of listeners. Finalty, by the knowledge of literature, we estabiisti Priesis, Bishops, Cardinals, and the Pope, that ali things in the ecclesiastical
hierarchy may be fitly disposed . For it is froni books that everything of good that besalis the clerical condition tal es iis
late-are buried in the depilis of the common sewers. Thecushion is withdrawn that should support our evangelicat fides, whicli ought to have the first claim upon the incomes of the clergy, and the common necessaries of lis e thus be sor everprovided sor iis, who are entrusted to their charge. Again, we complain os another fori of injury whicli is too
authors' names are imposed Upon us by worthless compilers, tranStators, and transformers, and losing our ancient nobility, while we are reborn in successiVe generations, we becomewholly degenerate; and thus against our will the name offome wretched stepsather is assiXed to iis, and the fons arerobbed of the names of their true falliers. The verses of Virgil, while he was yet living, were claimed by an imposter; anda certain Fidentinus mendaciously usurped the works of Martial, whom Martial thus deserve lly rebuked:
ing Us with plous Zeal. Ostentimes we have to endure barbarous interpreters, and those who are ignorant of soreigni dioms presume to translate Us sirom one language into another; and thus ali propriety of speech is tost and our sense isshamesilly mutila ted contrary to the meaning of the authori Truly noble would have been the condition of books is it hadnot been sor the presumption of the tower of Babel, is but onekind of speech had been transmitted by the whole human race. We will add the last clause of our long lament, though fartoo shori sor the materials that we have. For in us the naturaluse is changed to that whicli is against nature, while we who
venerates his sitield and arnis, and gratesul Corydon shows regarii sor his decaying team, harrow, flail and mattoch, and every manual artificer sor the instruments of his crast; it isonly the ungratesul cleric who despises and neglects thosethings which have ever been the s undation of his honours.
TUL ULNERARI E DEVOTION of the religious orders is wontio be solicitious in the care of books and to delight in
letters, sor giving the knowledge of salvation to the studentand a delectable light to the paths of the laity. O manual toti, happier than any agricultural taskl O devout solicitude, whereneither Martha nor Mary deserves to be rebukedi O joysul house, in whicli the fruitsul Leah does not enuy the beauteolis Rachel, but action and contemplation sitare ea ch other's joysio happy charge, destined to benefit endless generations os posterity, with which no planting of trees, no soWing of seedS, no pastoral delight in herds, no bullding of sortified camps canbe comparedi Wheres ore the memory of those fathers shouldbe immortal, who delighted only in the treasures of wisdom, who most laboriousty provided shining lamps against future darkness, and against hunger of hearing the Word of God,
a truth, nobie sathers, worthy of perpetuat benediction, ye
Liber Bacchus is ever loVed, And is into their bellies shoved,
Liber Codex is neglected, And with scornsul hand rejected, Far out of their sight.
And as is the simple monastic sol k of modern times were deceived by a confusion of names, while Liber Pater is preferred to Liber Patrum, the study of the monks nowadays is in the emptying of cups and not the emending of books; towhicli they do not hesitate to add the wanton music os Timotheus, jealous of chastity, and thus the song of the merrymaker and not the chant of the mourner is become the office of the monks. Flocks and fleeces, crops and granaries, leelis and potherbs, drink and gobleis, are nowadays the readingand study of the monks, excepi a sew elect ones, in Whom lin-gers not the image but some stight vestige of the falliers that preceded them. And again, no materials at ali are surnished usto commend the canons regular sor their care or study of us, who though they bear their name of honour from their two- sold rule, yet have neglected the notable clause of Augustine'srule, in which we are commended to his clergy in these words: