장음표시 사용
Opposite coem cients ahen rom the order that involve the three unknown quantities
I seu equations are gi ven involvinc urunknown quantities, thei values may be ound much aster the fame manner, is ining ali heprodum that canae made os seu opposite co-essicients and alWays prefixin contrar signs to thos that involve the producis o tW opposite messicients.
volves one unknown quantity, ut involves atthe iam tinne the quare of that quantity, and the produci oscit multiplied by sonae nown quantity the yo have What is calle a da
6 89. The quare roo os an quantity, as
In thecia example, atter indin that γ'
fio. Since the quare o ali quantities arepositive, it is plain that The square mot os a negative quantit is imaginary, and anno Massigned. There re there are ome quadraticequations that anno have an solution. Foroample,
ence the two values os, must be imaginam or
exactiy, o must, in orde to determine me value os os early approximate to the value os
lo in examples Will illustrate in Rule serquadrati equations.
rata. Qu. How man mere in eo avd Suppos thei number, then is allinadis Meach au's stare,ould have been stringa: -- is the number of hos that pay It is therelare, by the question,
It is obviolis that the positive values, esthe Blution os the question the negatio valiae Liaing, in the present case, useleis.
There are threeisumbers in coniinua geometrical