장음표시 사용
It is obvious that this method extend is all
this Theorem sor allitquadratic equations,
6 9 ther Theorems may be deduces by assumin ilire term of the quation, and extracting the rom os in quadratic,hicli they
In the applieationis these Theorems, whena ea value of scis obrui docte addiniit in L substitute thetarer te in the place of in the formula, and you uillis a ne operation
quire 1 and by thus proceed ing, o ma a rive at an degre os exactoest. Thus to obtain the cube oot os et, suppost
, M. F there M onlya o letters mandis, in . A the proposed equation, appose isequat
- , , , then the value of may he exhibited in a series haviniit ternas compose of the a Wer os cando illi thei respective coef- R. ficientsi