장음표시 사용
by the second, and place the quotientc and ove thesinitate term in his manneru
For the series of fractions ibi id ,
nothiu, and et greater than in the negative producti the adjacent terms I Wrsae unde the term that is antire thesag Φ, and pro-- credisias in the semer examples, I conclude, sto the wo changes that happen in the series that the quation has Wo os ita root impossibie. The same way e discove in impossibie mota in the equation
her of thei variations hoW many of the impos-siae more are rectane assirmative, and that there are a many negative imaginar moma there are repetitions of the fame sign. Acinthe equation '
sore in that case ome mota os se proposed uation must be imaginary. ' ieta. In generat, leti - Φ
tiplied by the fractionisve ille ound les thanthe productis the adjacent ternis, semesos theroois os stat equatio mustae imaginar quantities. I 23. An equatio may have impossibie rOctis although non are dilcovered by the Rules be-