A treatise of algebra, in three parts. Containing

발행: 1796년

분량: 549페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류




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potnt it thus 99856, then I in the quaremo of s tolera, whioli there re is the last figure of the rom i subtracti the square os a fromis, and to the remainde I annex the secondor 98, an divide neglecting the last figure 8 by the Guble os , or 6, and I place thequotient asteris, and then multiply 6 1 by , and subtra the product 61 stom 98. Then toste remainder 37 Panno the last part of the proposed number s6han dividing 37s neglecting the a figure Dby the doubie of i,

that is hy et, I place the quotient ster, and multiplying et by the quotienti, I find the produs tot 37s6, laici, subtracted rom thedividen and avinino remainder, the exactrint must be a16.


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Aster the same anno the cube oo os Φ illie found tole 46. The genera Theorem hich. - a for the Involutionis binomials il se, also De heir volutionc ecause to extractanu mot os a give quantit is the same hin asto ais that quantit to a poWer hos ex ponent is a fractio that his nil naenitor, and the number that expresses m in os roo is orae extracte ser iis

denominatori lius, is extra the suu e




Whose cube motis is the fies figure of the motrequires. Subtractra sto ia, an to the r mainde pannexa the fies figure os the secondperiodi divide s by tripla the quare os et, via. 1a, and the quotient i, 4, whicli is theri

coia figure of the mot requires since the cubeo et oves 3824, the num hel proposed. Aster the fame manne ille cube OOc os