장음표시 사용
ine equator produce by vaporatio an rainfall. Although I am suli porsuaded that an particula Phoenomena concerning the ocean-currenis, it Whic I have been here ongaged, mio receivs thei propor illustration by tho applicatio of the principies abovo lai doWn, as also that tho phoenomen os in ocean-currenta in ther pari os the ocea tha tho orth-Atlanti may bo explainodis them I confine inset here to tho gonora application os these principies, hic I havs Hready mado, parti because his has been sufficient lar my main purpose, an parti bec se m time, occupie ascit is by quite dissorsu objecta, oes no so the present admit os, extendinginis inv6stigation surther. his las circumstance is also the reason, Wis have o more periacti touchedispo tho ork o the fame subjectput sorin by the invostigator os nature. ho observations os the Water' saltuos round the Wedis coasis thates have rom timeri timosor severat ear collected have in fac oni latol le meri endeavolarto deduco rom them resulta os mors onera importance, an is in se,
tin sortii hos Phad os abis to pay to tho lit6ratur os in subjecta muc attention a might avo 6on ostr te, I hould havo 66n obligo to dosor thoi publication to an undotermine time. Is theresore, as may Ver possibi be in case, I may havs happone to vertoo any important matter, hic has eo illustrato by thors, must e that
the circumstances hero mentione may bs ahenis an explanatio ossis omission.
Τho author, homes have principali studied, and hos nam Ioan no mcntion ithout a laesing os revenc sor his genius an activity, and of thanksul nos for hates haverasarno hom im is ΑυRY Withino oblos devotion to his subject an led by tho truo instinc of thostudent os nature to examine eve ining ho endoavoured to ah into account ali circumstances, hicli might contribute, hoWove littis to tho explanation os the current an circulation os sis coan. ho originaldependenc os these on the nequa distribution os tho sola heat homost prosoundi comprehendod, and ein thorouol acquainto withthe phoenomen os in ocean, the disserenoes emeen the streams, thalaris in sal an in resti ator, ero et known to im But just thistas circumstanc seoms to me led im, amongst in many Various effecis, into hic the influenc os tho sola heat nolis ocean dividos