장음표시 사용
159. Willelmus Arctibistio confirms omittier the canon
a . Admissio a praebendam ex causa permutacionis
aor. Presentacio a rectoriam Vacantem Per mortem, etc.
II. Cierks an other minister to conduci themselves properi tomaros pariSMOners, an no compose any ithmi or se improper anclopprobrious Word against obblers or ther artificere of thelown, an is necessam the canis expellecl. I 8. very ea there icto be a solemn Service tor in Athelsian, at whichol the sanctuar me must e resent, an must inga Solem Peat, an osse at sentem tota Iacl. to fabric.
II. ordinances of Archbishops forminister of the church to e reaclonce a monili in Chapter. an delinquendi tot cleat with. 22. No vicaris minister o tali an oblatio moneycio himself on his own authority, ut his ter to give ali to the Chamberlain, who will refund what is clue. 23. Fines of lanos, etc. hel by the canona hali notis macte by the senescha hut by the canon or his deputy. 24. omne to e admitte M a Canon or brother ave personali orti lawfui prox for wearin to observe the Statutes, etC. The follo te lines ardi legitile. ut the seem to a that thevicam in presence of the Chapter an Μr Alan Newerke advocate of the Cour at ork ono September, w8, agree that ac vicar cluring his tenure houl contribute ne-fixi par of the expenses of thei house. Also that each shoul on admissio pay 6S. d. an a Silve Spoon orthas for his gratesul memorial an in recompense nother utensiis.
aa I. nother Chapter orcle concerning the ame
AEI Chapter inmit Rob. de Wytton. chaplain to the perpetua chanu of the Assumption latet foundeclby the brother an sister of the gil of the Glorious