장음표시 사용
PREFACE. xitan to some of her member o theiriwn responsibilit suin Hying the deficiency, and has incurria the complaint of others, ho argue that sh ought to have tinen on herself hat,
no by the fittin aut tity. ut in truth, when it Was necessar sor heres abando those he had received nothin Waslest to heraut to ait tit sh should receive iners, a in thecourse of ages ine had atready received by litti an littie. The Roman Hymns, Whether good o bad, were the worko no ne generation, much les the ou ouring of one ind. The wer no the content of one collection, published alinem in a da accordin to the wil of man. The were thegradual accumulations o centuries, ea in in id an ne upomone treasur house. When there Was a calido reject them, there mas nothinga be done bullegi again. - could notbe oun an oldist nce. It was a stem necessit alone whic could compelis to change rom ha we were; ut bein changed, o far We Were not What, Were, and mustae .hat the primitive Church Was in these respecis, poo and ill- fumisted. - egan the Worid again. his is the properanswerrio inconsiderate complaint an impatient interseretice. There have before now been divine Who could, ite a Lit gyin hist sic urs Such is no our Church's way. hecis no the empirico mali things to order, an to proseis to anticipate the ourse of nature, Which, unde grace, as under
A far a me know, the public Hymns of the early tarchweremo muc more than the solio ing. First, startiti stomScripture, M adopte the repetitionis the millesti h Whichis describe by St. Jota, in the Revelations tot in chant of the blesse inhabitant of heaven. ex may be mentioned the Gloria Patri, preti much as, no userit. Urdly thenisamon, or moly Holy Holy,Vino Isaia vi. or, ascit Was also sed, and now is, in the Roma Church, Ianctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Ininiortalis.' Besides these, there Was the omingi Angelic Hymn bemning Wit theword used by the Angeis at themativlty and for the evening
St Basil. Hese remo metricat, a the were aster ards; nor are imo iners of a later date, inita, still retain then Deum and the Acta stan Creed. he are both os Gallica origis, though in forme has been ascribe to St. --brose. iners, hoWever no extant, are certainly his; thersare the compositions of St. Hilary, Prudentius, St. Gregory,
custom has With a sortis tacit authority, introduce amongus in the ourse of severa centuries. Μore, doubiless, miratae selecte stom the writings of our sacre Poetia ut since, rom usiam circumstances, such amor does no seem likel a the present day thoughtfulminci naturali reveri to the discarde collections os the ante- reform era discardedi ause of associations mith Whic theymere then Vie ed, and of the interpolations by hic theywere dissigures; ut hich, When purifie stom these, re farmore profitable to the Christia than in lirat and wanton essusion hic are thei present substitute amon us Nay, even suc a the Parisian, hic are here first presented to thereader, Which have no equa claim to antiquity breathe anancient spirit an even here the are the work of one pen, are the Joint an invisibi contributionis many ancient mi s. Μoreover, the ancient language used has a tenden 'o throw the reader ut o everyinarthoughis and familia associations, an to mali him fervent Without easin to e monised. Μan a man could ear o rea the Canticles in a foreim language horis unequa tori in his M. It vi rem in to say that in solio in selectio ofrimns, stomine Paris revia , has been confine to inch
xiv PREFACE.hol day an seasons as are recogniged by ou Church, o tospecia eventii ining recorde in Scripture; hos Hymns, however Min omitte Whic containe inqocation to the Mints of suc a nature actoae, even in the largest udgmentos charity, no mere postro es, but supplications. J. H. N.
ψmni Ordinarii IH ni de Tempore 26
Commune es Proprium de ratis los Commune Sanctorum I 67Mxologiae 2II
Lux e tenebris eruta: Christus sepulcri camere, Lin Vera mundi, prodiit. Et mors et horrendum chaos Vocem jubentis audiunt Nos surdiores, o pudori
Deo pigebit obsequi ZUmbris sepulta dum stupet Natura, lucis filii
Surgamus, et noctem piis Exerceamus canticiS. Legem Prophetas, et sacro Psalmos calentes lumine, Hosana dum silent loca, Divina templa Personent.
Coelestis haec vincat tuba Cordis soporem languidi,
Novique mores exprimant Vitam resurgenti novam. Hoc Consequemur, te duce, Fons caritatis, o DeuS,
Qui legis addis litterae Vitae datorem Spiritum. Sit laus atri laus Filio; Par sit tibi laus, Spiritus,
Amante quo mente SacriSLucent et ardent ignibus.
AD LAUDES. Ad templa nos rursu Vocat Surgentis aurorae nitor, Novasque pro laeto m et Referre grate munere. At victor auroram Suo
Fulgore Christus obruit: Huic magna cuju Par SumuS, Juvat mimipho plaudere. Quod evolutus fasciis Repente iandus extitit, Ρuro renidens limine, Virtutis hoc quantae fuit lQuod traditum nec Pater, Ut sontibus vitam daret, Vitae redonat illimi,
Domnisa. Aetemus ut rerum Sator
Aspexit orbem, protinus, Colore depictum SM, Hobavit excellem P . At laetius quanto obtulit Sese atri spectaculum Coelestis Agni candido Ablutus orbis sanguinei Cin luce nobis redditur Μundi renascentis decor, occulta per quem iunitas Μens surgit ad magnalia. At splendor aetem Patris, Lumenque Christus cordium, Dein dat in se, quantus St, Sub nube camis emere. Praesta, beata Dinitas, Ut legis ad sacem tuae Vitemus omne quod Vetas, Sectemur omne quod jubes. Per Hebdoma iam.
AD PRIMAM.Jam lucis orto sidere Deum precemur Supplices, Nostras ut ipse dirigat:
Nil lingua, nil peccet manus, Nil mens inane cogitet: In ore simplex Veritas, In corde regnet caritas. Incoepta dum fluet dies, o C ste, custos perviis, Quas saevus hostis obsidet,
Praesta diurnus ut tuae Subserviat laudi labor λAuctore quae te coePimus, Da te favente prosequi. Superba ne nimis caro Μenti licenter imperet, Camis domet superbiam Porus cibique parcitaS.
Deo Patri sit gloria, usque soli Filio, Sancto simul cum Spiritu,
Nunc, et per omne Seculum. Per Hebdomadam. AD TERTIAM.
o sancte donorum parens, as refusus intimis Accende flammas, cordibuS.