장음표시 사용
The applicatio navium V is desined by u ange as Iribi ituri quod X- solvitur pro navibus ad littu applicandi8. '-Gl088arium, sub oce.
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I mirat have been supposed that this as Only another nam sor St. Adrian, a the coteli pronunciationi Ethernan is hardensi into Eddran istho aint had not 00 so et distinguished in the calendar an legend of the Scottish Aureli. The memon os t. Adrian aes celebrated on the thos Mareli, hil erat Ethernan' da Was the d os December. St. Ethernan as held in great reverene throughout the province of Buchan, and speciali a Rathen, the clivi et O Which Was dedicatsexto lini, whil ontho ast fide of the aloininihili os Mormond a solitar den sanown as St. hernanes o Eddran's Sach, an is nixto have been the sit os his hemiti ago. Eari' devotion to the salut suggest the continue existende os a Deling hich Was Strong mong the early Celtic tribes, both ita reland and Scotland of reverene for thei family aint, and Dunder of thei clan-monastery, simila iurit character to that Whieli mane them regarit,ith ovour the man rom hom heir clan derivexit existende anxiis amo.
ulsellus, Piscis qui in mari Anglis Boreali copiose capitur in aestate, Londoniis Green sh Lancastrensibus Mitrem Du ange Gl088ar. ub oc . The w0rd has also been translated mulle and haddock.
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A.D. 1257. Monasterio cle May diocesis Sancti Andreo, constitutio Innocentiana de solvendis procurationibus contra avaritiam relatorum saeta, confirmatur per Alexandrum, P. IV.- Theiner' Vetera Monumenta, p. 74.