장음표시 사용
book be ali weyes hept under ij lohys V a Command homing the estimation in hicli th book was held. Despite his value et on the book it appears o have been irregularly hept the documents it Contain a remo arrange in
the Continuerat SOmewhat longe an more irregula intervalSin Oint of date, interspersed a betore illi en tries of
different Character, or belongin to a different period ills
will that o Richard Mey, date 1392. The greater number of these documents belon to the en of the ourte enth and thebe inning of the fifteenti Centvry but there are a se record Oflate date. ille the ther reCord in the lach Book, thesegi velint of the Constitutional, SOCiat an topographica aspeCiso Solithampton and when Compare mitti externa eviden eas eli as illi the deed whi Cli, ill fili the later volumes, theygive sonae de of the developinent of the own in the fifteenili
As regariis officials other than the mayor an ballisis, of hommention is made in the BlaCk Book, there is littie of importancet be noted. Once, and ut OnCe, a deed is sal to e sealed by the seat of the own reeve sigillum prepositure )
other mention of this funCtionary, and it is a possibi Conjecture that the se of the wor prepositur ' instea of maioratus V was a mere hi in os soni histori Cali minde xlown Cierk. The own Cierks thenaseive are mentione OCCASionalty a signatorie to the eed, again AntiCipatin the reCognitionb Charier of thei existence, hiCh id o tali place ill these venteenti, Centvry. Mention howe ver is to e found of thelown Cleri in the early fourteenth century- date long previous to the Commencernent of the BlaCk Book.
Forolis functions os ali itisse various offlcials so the Introiluetion to thema Book, Ol. I, Pp. xiii et seq