장음표시 사용
Joan, the wis o Hugh Manton, o Sohithamptori, a id e fore the Cour a de ed hereb sh and Hugh Manton granted toJolin arctet, urgess, a tenement si tua te in the paristi ofSt Michael, on the west si de of Fren Ch Street, between a Stre et calle Symenelestre te on the orth Dd a tenement late Villiam Malmeshulle's, on the solith and the Sume tenementstretches estward rom Fren Ch Stre et O the vaCant place Calle Moseliole. Further, the grantexto Jolin Barstet another tenement on the solith si de of Symenelestre te e tween the Moseliole on the eas and a tenement e longin to JohnHAChurd, therwis Tanner, on the west Oolin Barflete an his heir to holit the sal tenement for ver of the hie lord of thos sees by the serviCe thenCe clue.
ΤNoverint universi per presentes me Ri Cardum Hausford
mercatorem de Bristollia remi Si SSe rela XASse et Omnino Pro me heredibus et executoribus mei imperpetuum quietum ClRITHSSe
Petro de Pyras burgensi ille Suthampione omnimodas
eundem Petrum habui habeo seu quovismodo in futurum habere potero ab initio mundi usque in diem ConseCtioni presentium. In Cuius rei testimonium ui presenti Cripto Sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus i Cardo radewey, Johanne PenkeSion, HenriCo Manton et multis aliis. Data apud Suthamptoriam tercio die mensis MarCii Anno regni regis Henrici quarti post ConqueStum Anglie Ctavo. yFol. XIII. Suthamptona. Congrega Cio facta sive assemblement urgensium
tenta ibidem coram illi elmo vereb tun ibidem maiore, Willielmo Ravension, Ricardo radewey et Henrico Holeweyaldremannis, Johanne Beneyt, illi elmo Nichod et Thoma Welles de probioribus hominibus ville Suthampione, Johanne Cosyri et Thoma Armore Ballivis die martis in vigilia Concepcioni beate Marte virgini Anno regni regis Henrici quarti
Ad hanc CongregaCionem sive assemblement Johannes Renaud maduiplius Taylour burgenses et Cissores ille Suth Ampione aliique Cissore eiusdem ille protulerunt hi in Curia
tion of the lesse Mary the Virgin, in the eighth ear of therei gnii in Henr IV.
prefati maiori, ald remannis probis hominibus et aliis burgensibus ille prediCte quandam elicionem Sive illam Cuius tenor
sequitur in hec Verba. A treshonorabies et tresgra Ciouses seigneurs, te maire, Ald re-mRI S, ProdeShomes et aut res bones urges de a ville de Suth Ampione, Supplient umblement e povere mestres artificiers dei estier de Taillours de me sme a ville, que Ome memeSles artificier de our en utre outioit Ount este et soni Contributeres per Our symple poni a te graunde ChargeS, A XeSet ei glei QOunt Curru et unqore Curroni Continuelment en adite ille sur a id reparaciotin et defenCe dicelle, et non dount Vivere ne Hyn tener Our Symple StR Synon a te Commodite et pro fit que surdent de loccupation et sCien C de meSmele mestier, te queu tota plus graund Commodite et profit a maynte igne et suste igner ours oures est at et Contribu Cions a Vauntdit solbient Surctre de gent aliens iegnaunt en lepoor de dite ille Come in Arraqes Galey et iei de SpRigne, portu gale dalma igne FlaundreZ, Selond, prus et Autres qui a lour arriva ille illeoque solo ient our Our se feare tallter our draps par te Taillour de mesmecia ille et ore tard en diverses Carrahes Galeys et iei de gent aliens urit venia Taillours de diverses nations et sotidier en Celle per diverses OitZ qentes ter et de moeure de ieis carrat es, aleis et ieis dein mesmele oori uni Si large ment et ira unChement satin impeti Ciono syn ait a la ille Aille robes, opons et aut re gRrnementZR pluSi Our Sibi en asprive Come stratinge ; et ausi bien de ingmes me a ville en diverses h opes Come en Carrahes Galeis et ni eis est eaunt dein la dite o ori, si auaunt Come te plus frani Taillour burgeis dicet ville, et outioit a toti Venue Strectet de moeure illeoqes, ta illent Continuelmen a graunde dum Age, destruotion et empoverissem erit de te clit mestres artificior et de toti autres de dii estier a lovg our si remedi ne soll
mRyor, Ridermen, discreet men and ther urgesses of the aidlown a Certain petition or bill, of hicli the substanc tollows
o de mair pou le temps esteaunt par te ministres de dite ville est assavoi tune molle a a prosit de dite ille et lautre
lecta audita et plenarie intelleCta prelatu maior per RSSenSUm et ConsenSum predi Ctorum Aldremannorum probiorum hominum ballivorum et aliorum urgensium ille predicte in presenti CongregaCione existentium ConSiderans pelicionem illam sive
he is to incur the penalty of a hundred hillings, o belevied by our Command o that of the mayor for the timebein fand by the officer of the sal town 'o it the onelial to the profit of the fame town and the theriat at the
Command an disposa of the foresa id masters. An henoe forwar a many times asi trepasse a hundredishillings is ob levi ed an collecte as foresaid. An also no foret gntatior Comin suddent to or in the Same town hali avea ho nor Chamber nor ut ut Cloth without leave of the mayor and of the master of the sal Crait, and untit he has made fine to e alsed a CCordin to thei discretioris in themanne a bovesaid. And that ach fine that hali e made byan such tallor to the master of the aid Crait for an such CauS may be alsed by the foresai officer of the ownabovesai to suci an intent that the ne ali hali e for theus of the sal town and the theriali at the disposition and Command of the foresai master of the sal Crait, providedalways that ali anne os taliors of halsoeve conditionthe may be in grea fleet o Carraclis, alleyS, and hipscomin in future in the aioresai portis bufines of friendshipwith ur lor the ing, hal be able during thei voyagetherein reel to malae thei profit an to urgue thei crasto cultin an sewin ait anne o Cloth an ali garments whateve in the fame town and within the franchise thereos
ut the rights of ur lor the ing. An this petition or bili
supplicacionem predictam fore honestam et a Cionabilem quantum in ipso est Con Cedit pro se et suCCessoribus suis maioribus Fol. XIII B. Ville predicte quod predicti Cissores magistri artis Cissorum ille predicte et suCCessores sui eiusdem artis magistri pro tempore existentes habeant et gaudeant libertates et fraunchesias in predicta peticione sive billa speCificata imperpetuum. Et pro ista Concessione predicti Cissores dederunt relatis maiori et Communitati ille predicte Centum solido Sterlyngorum, etC. Memorandum.' Provide dolway that frona the xi da 3 of Octobreo xv Regis HenriCi vii Do an urget nor Comyner tali jurneyman nother rentis to a illor Craite ut i h boborne unde the ynge ur OVereyn Ord ObeySRUnC UPPOnpayn o lesyn his redom that so ostendeth in the sal craste
in the present meeling, holding the petition or bili or supplica
tion aforesa id tot honest an reasonable, as farra in hi lies, granis for imgeli an his suppessors the mayor of the ownaioresa id that the foresai taliors, master of the crast itallor of the a foresai town and thei suCCesSors maSter of the Same Crast for the time eing may have an enjo the liberti esan franchises specille in the foresa id petition or bili forever Andrior his grant the aioresa id taliors have given to the aforesai mayor an Corporatio of the foreSai town aliundredishil lings sterling, etC.
tenement in the parish of St. Michael in the east fidei FrenchStreet, between a tenement formeri William Malmestiuu's, nowbelongin to the mayor an corporation, On the outh and a Certain vacant place belongin to the Prior of St. Deny onthe north, and a tenement belongin to Henr Holewey on theeast the foresai Robert an his heir to hol the aid tenement for ver of the hie lord of the se by the customary