장음표시 사용
etC. tWent martis Sterling early ill the nil of the wentyyear neX after the date of these presenis tot pa id in equalparis at the four principat ternas of the ea Customar in theaioresaid town the rs term of payment egi nning at theseas of the Nativit of St. Jolin the Baptis nexi after thedate of these presenis Andri it appens that the foresa id
fifteen clays alter the en o an term etC. during the foresaidtwent years then it hali e lawihil for us, the foresaid Thomas Mid lyngton and Margare my ite, an for the ne osus livin longer, Our heir an ASSignS, O enter on the entire a foresaid tenement an distra in there an to Rhe way, etC., the distresses found there and to hee them in ur Ownhand untii fuit satisfactior has been made to S, etC. for therent foreSa id together illi ou losses an expenses. An iiii appens that the aioresai annual rent of twent mark is in Arrear and unpat for ne hole ea during the foresai clt ent years, an a sui Cient distres Canno then e levi edin the fame entire tenement then it hali e very lawiu for
the entire tenement a foresa id, and to et Ze hol an hee it,
illud cum omnibus et singulis pertinenciis suis seisire habere et tenere a in AC poSsidere imperpetuum a Carta indentata in aliquo non obStante. Et nos prefati Thomas Midlyngton et
MnrgRret UXO men, etC., totum illud integrum tenementum,
OtC., modo et forma redeClaratis prefati Johanni Renaw et Clemencie uxori sue heredibus et assignatis ipsius Johannis
monium nos prefati Thoma Midlyngton et Margareta UXOrmea uni parti harum indenturarum penes prefato Johannem Renawd et ClemenCiam Yorem suam remanenti Sigilla nostra appoSuimuS. Alteri uni parti penes prefatos Thomam Mid lyngton et Margare tam Yorem Suam remanenti predicti Johannes enawd et ClemenCia uxor Sua Sigili Sua PPOSU- erunt. Et ad maiorem huius rei securitatem faCiendam OS
antedicti Thomas id lyngton et Margareta uxor mea Sigillum Officii maioratus ille Suthampione partibus harum indenturarum similiter apponi procuravimus. Hiis testibus Johanne Benei tun maiore ille Suthampione predicte Thoma Armoreret Thoma Regali ibidem tunc ballivis Petro Jamys ad tunCibidem Senescallo Ricardo Brade wey Willielmo Nycholi Willielmo Raveneston illi elmo angel Ricardo Pastor et
aliis. Data apud Suthamptoriam predictam quinto decimo die mensis Aprilis Anno regni regis HenriCi quinti post OraqueStum secundo Anno domini millesimo CCCC' V quarto decimo. Quibus quidem indenturis predictis publi Ce in plena Curia rediCtaleCti S etC. Prelataque Margaret Sola inde Coram prefati maiore et Ballivis, etC., Xaminata onerata et jurata SeCundum Consuetudinem ille predi Cte fatetur, etc., predicta Cripta indentataeSSe RCt SUR, etC. et petit eadem Cripta in dentata hi inbrev- iuri, etC., in XCluSionem uri Sue etC., quod OnCeSSum S ei. Et Super o ConCeSs est seisina predicto Johanni enaw et ClemenCie uxori Sue heredibus et assignatis eiusdem Johannis prout in Carti indentatis predictis plenius Continetur SeCUndum Consuetudinem ille.
William Nycholi, illiam Raveneston, illiam Tangete, Richar Pastord, and thers. Dated a Sohathampton aioresaid, the fifteenth da of the monili Oi April, in the seCond ear of the rei gn os in Henry the tith aiter the Conquest, in theyear of the Lordine thousand oti hundred and fourteen Andthes indentures, incleed, ein publiCly read, etc., in the fuit
Separate acceptan Cei Joan Enrolmen grante d. Liver of Sei Sin.