The Black book of Southampton

발행: 1915년

분량: 214페이지


분류: 미분류



I). Ora the wednesda 3 previ ous to the east of Sa in Michael the Archanget, in the si x te enth ear of the re igni Ri Chard ΙΙ,


Fol. continued). dicte ille pro electione Officiariorum ad tun Congregatos in

unum, quod omne meretri Ce Commune hospicium in Est rete tenentes a dicto ViCo omnino Ammoverentur. Et quod ne ipse aut alique ali hujusmodi vite mulieres ad aliquod tenementum sive cotagium in eodem vico inhabitandum aut tenendum aliqualiter de Cetero admitterentur et preCipue propter Continen Cian dictum Vi Cum pertranssiuntium Sive ad CCtesias beate Marte sancte Trinitatis et sancte Andree peregre profa CiS-Sencium Con ServRndam quam quidem ordinacionem supradi Ctam in perpetuum tenendam et observandam in nigro apiro'

eiusdem ille fecerunt irrotulari ut de re Cordo i in futuro

videatur esse Permanendum etC.

4).' Memorandum que te xvii ou de mois de Octobrelan du reyghne nostre se igneu te ob Edward i iiij ' preste conquest dengle ter xxiij corde est et assent par alter illiam' adonque matre et vile de Suthanapion, LewySEynes,' olin Wallier ' alter et i place in et Richar Gryme' adonque Aldermannes de mes me e vile, John Lud low, in William


munit of the aio town gathere together so the election fossici ais that ali prostitutes hold in the Common lod gingi ou se in Estre te hali e entire ly remove fron the a id stre et Andiliati ei ther the themselves no any the women O the R me Wayis life , halli allowedin an other occasion to inhabit oriri an wis to hol an tenemen or Cottage in the A me Stre et,

especiali for the salie o preservin the hastit of thos paSSingthrough thema id stre et o seti in forti abro ad to the Churche of St. Mary, Hol Trinit an St. Andrem: and that his orderatores a id ma be maintained an observeo fori ver they have causexit tot en rolle in the Blach Book of the Same town So

that in future this may be Seen to rem Rin o reCord, etC.


Fol. I continued). Gunter Thomas Raynold et Thomas van, laclays matres de mesine te vile, Roger Kelsale tin de Burgeys de mesme levyle David hi te adoraque Steant visco uni de mesme te vile, Thomas myth laclays viscount de mesine te vile, et Christoser Ambrosi uri de Burgoys de mes me e vile, en e manere et


I). tem, the fame da it is consente an agreed that alter an issu is Oinedietween the lainti sis an defendant in thesam Couri, that ii the plainti do es not isti to sue here illi effect in orde to have his vry ith in the ex three monilis alter the issues are Oined the laintist shal lose his actiori forthe fame time.


a vera xiii te Cleri det vile viiii et te Argeant qui XeCuterson office de Ceo iiiii.


a). Item, the fame da it is assente and agreed that alter an issu is Oine as foresa id as eli in the Common Courtas in the Courtii Pie Powder, ii the sum in demandi declare d

io e te mari S O under, the Sergeant hali ave in orde to mali his return of the panet, ni Iad. An ii the sum indemandi declare 1 to e beyondo martis, like ΓΙΟ, a mari S, caO, O beb Ond thera the ergeant hali ave two hil lings tomali his re turn of the panet.

33. Item, it is assente and agreed that in a plea os respassilie defendant hali plenil to the issue and shali hol his lawi the clam ages are declared at O hilling or pward, and shallpra that the pia inlisi e examine ii the clam ages reach to osti illings o more by reason of the fame respass. And ii theplaintis reluses the examination then the defendant shall, age his law. An is the pluinti upon his ath pon a book saysthat he is in dam age to o hilling or beyond then thecisSueshalli tried by the Country. ). Item, the Same da it is assente an agreed that the


LAN CONVEYANCES. P0 I 1 Ad curiam ibidem tentam coram Johanne Flete tunc Ballivo ibidem et sectatoribus Curi die martis proXim Rnte Festum an Cte Marte Magdalene anno regni Regis Ricardi Secundi post Conquestum Anglie de imo sexto.' Ad hanc Curiam venerunt LaurenCiu GoldSmyth et Agnes uxor ejus filia et heres henrici Gosber de Suthamptona et protulerunt coram Ballivo et Septatoribus predictis in plena Curia unam cartam eossa menti Cujus tenor Sequitur in he verba. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Laurencius Goldsmyth et Agnes uxor mea filia et heres henrici Gogberd de Suthamptona

presenti Carta nostra Confirmavimus domino illi et mo Hertyet domino illi et mo Blon de Suthamptona Capellani decem solidos quiete et annui redditu ac Ciam redditum viginti solidorum Cum acciderit exeuntium annuatim de quodam tenemento Cum Suis pertinenciis illi elmi Dert et Agnetis uxoris ejus quod Cituatum est in predicta villa in parochia ecclesie Sancte Crucis in vico AngliCo in occidentali parte vici inter quemdam introitum CujuSdam tenementi domini Roberti Plesyngton militi e parte boreali et quoddam tenementum

dictorum domini illi et mi erry et domini illi et mi Eloni quod nuper perqui Sierunt de Philippo Valeys et sabelle uxore

ejus ex parte RuStrali habendum et tenendum et percipiendum predictos decem Solidos quiete redditus a C Ciam dictam red

ditum viginti solidorum cum acciderit predictis illi elmo et Willielmo heredibus et assignatis suis libere quiete integre bene

et pacifice imperpetuum χει capitalibus dominis feodi illius