장음표시 사용
Have mercy on thy creatures, and on me a grievous Sinner.
203 Have mercy on thy creatures, and on me a grieVous Sinner.
day When thou callest me: and alsoto rest in the liope os good men, in the mansions os the Iust, untii thegreat day os thy coming.
Have mercy on thy creatures, and on me a grievous Sinner.
0 glorious Lord, receive theprayers of thy servant; and sulsi in petitions ser my good, throtio the intercession os the holy mollieros God, and Iota the Baptist, undius sirst martyr St. Stephen, and St. Grego our Illuminator, and tho holy Mostles, Propheis, Doctors, Martyrs, Patriarchs, Hermiis, Virgins, and est thy Sainis in heaven