장음표시 사용
the Birth and Childhood of our Lord Iesus Christ. Book
there. And there Was a commotion in Jerusalem on account
of Marath Ma . And the priesis ment to the judge, and said in him: My lord, send and command Μary that she gonot to pray at tho sepulchro and at Golgotha. And whilothey mero deliberating, lo i letters came frem Abgar, thohing of tho city of Edessa, to Sabina tho procurator' Whohad Men appotnted by Tiberius the emperor, and as far as thoriver Euphrates tho procurator Sabina had auctority. Αnd,
cross, he mas much displeased; and Abgar Mose and rodeand came as far as the river Euphrates, because he wishedio go up against Jerusalem and lay it maste; and, When Abgar came and Was arrived at the river Euphrates, he deliberatin in his mindr U I pam over, thero mill be enmitybet Mn mo and Tiberius the emperor. Αnd Abgar Wroteletters and sent them in Sabina the procurator, and Sabina aent them to Tiberius the emperor. In this mannis did gar Write to Tiberius the emperor:
may not be offended mitti me, I have not passed over tharivis Euphratest for I have been Wishing to go up against Jerusalem and lay her Waste, forasmuch as alio has stata Christ, a skilful heater. But do thou, as a grent fovereign.ho hast authori over ali tho earth and over us, send and do mo jud ent on tho peoplo of Jerusalem. For ba ithnown to thy Majesty that I destro that thou vili do mo j gment on the crucifiers. And Sabina received tho Iettera, and sent them to Tiberius the emperor. And, When he had read them, Tiberius the emperor Was greatly incensed, and he destred to destroyand slay ali tho Jens. And the peose of Jerusalem hinesit and were alarmed. Αnd the priesis Went to the governor,
MARITRDOMi OP THE HOLY CONFESSORS SH AHUNA, GURIA, AND HABIB, FROM SIMEON METAPHRASTES. ΙΝ tho fix hundredili year from the empire of Alexander the Macedonian, When Diocletian had been nine Vears so-reim of the Romans, and Maximian was consul for the stath time, and Augar son os Zoaras Was praetor, and Cognatus as bishop of the Edessenes, a great persecution Was mised against the churches in ali the countries Which Wero under the sWay of the Romans. The name of Christian was lookedupon as execrabie, and was assailed and harassed Qth abuso; Whilo the priesis and the monis, on account of their staunchand unconquerable stedi iness, Mere subjected to shochingpunishmenis, and the pious Wero at their wiis' end with sadness and fear. For, destring as they did to proclaim ibo truth because of their yearning affection ior Christ, they yetshrunk bach from doing m for fear of punishmenti. Forthose Who took up arms against true religion were bent onmising tho Christians renounce Christiani and embracothe cause of Saturn and Rhea, whilst the salthsul on their part laboured to prove that the objecta of heathen Worship
known Work of Surius, De probatis Sanctorum vitis. It does nox προ-who mado thia Latin tranatation. A celebrated Byzantine initor, .ho lived in the ninin and tenta centuries. He derivea his name from having mriuen paraphrases, ormetaphrasis, of the lives of the ininta. Fabricius oves a liat of 539lives commonly attributed is him. Dr. W. PLATE, in Smith, Diet. Bios.
At this period it Was that an accusation was preferredbesoro the judgo against Guria and Shamuna. Tho formermas a native of Sarctgitua, and the lalter of the village of Ganas; they Were, hοWever, both brought up at Edessa-whieli thv cail Μesopotamia, becauso it is siluated belweentho Euphrates and the Tigris: a city previo ly to this buttitilo known to fame, but which aster tho strugies of iis martyrs obtained universat notorie . These holy men mould not by any means spend their lives in the citri but removingio a distance from it, as thoso Who wished to be at a distanco fram ita turmotis, they mado it their aim to bo manifest toGod only. Guria's purity and lovingnem Were to him a pre-ctous and hono able possession, and from his cultivation of the former the sumame of the pure mas given him: so that frem his nama you Would not havo known Who he was,
contempt on their persecutora, and, in order in induco themto set Wholly at nought their impie , taught them agreeablyto that whita is Written: Trust not in princes u tho sons of men, in Whom is no sasely. y By theso representations
gave ordera that ali those Who held tho Christian religionin honour and tollo ed the teaching of Shamuna and Guria, logether With thom Who persuaded them to this, should boapprehended, and shut up in sese hesping. The order Wascarried into effeci; and, seising the opportuni , he had somo of them floraed, and othera tortured in Various Ways, and
inducod them in obey the emperoes commmd, and then, as
138 APPENDIX TO SYRIAC DOCUMENTSothera, he ordered to be stili surther malimated in prison. They, hoWever, rejoiced in the sello silip of martyrdom. For they heard of many in other provinces Who had hadio para through the fame conflici as themselves: among them Epiphanius and Petrus and the mora holy Pamphilus, Mithmany othera, at Caesarea in Palestine; Timotheus at Gaeta; at Alexandria the Great fanotheri Timotheus; Agapetus at Thessalonica; Hesychius at Nicomedia; Philippus at Adriam opolis; at Μelitina Petrus; Hermes and his companions in tho confines os Martyropolis: ali os whom Were also encireled Mintho crown os martyrdom by Dux Heraclianus, along Withother confessors iso numerous for us to come acquainted with. But we must return to the matters of Which me were
is naturalty inclined to evit cannot bear the truth, any morathan dimased ves the bright Mams of the sun. Ani Rhenho hia dono as he was commanded, and the martyrs Were in prison, Whera many oster saluta also lita been previousj shut by the soldiers, tho Emperor Diocletian sent sor Musoni the governor of Antioch and ordered him to go to Edessa and see tho Christians Who Wero confined there, Whether they Wem of the common or of the sacria class, and question them about
ligni inobedientiam ars the reia morda of the tranatator, ho is not, generalty speaing, to be complimented lor elegance or even correcinem, but seema in have made a servile con of the mere morda of the Greeh.J
thou be favouring us est the more, by rendering the proos of
in the inner part of the prison, in a dark dunguon, d k both in namo and in reali , and that their feet should bo mado