장음표시 사용
is the preparationis this book it has beentur obiectis sumis theraret element so the stud of the Latini mage maegis, there re, With a collectionis inorian eas sentences, ornun tho Introductor Exercises, hicli serveras a practica exemplification os the Rules os Grammar. The are ali selected rom mme classicalauthor, and arrange according to the principies os Adam's Latin Grammar, t whic the student inouldae constantly require t reser inor notes, chleh explanator os dissiculi constructions are added. Aster a thorouo stud os this pari, the second whic is composed os homondys
de viris illustribus Romae, Willio be Bund dissiculi. Acit
contains, however, constant allusion to peculiar mannos and 'customs, e have thought it necessar in ive suchinori and simple explanations os minis in Roma antiquities, as are necessar in the stilli restandingis the text.