라틴어 단어 색인

'단어구 형용사'에 속하는 라틴어 단어 (7)

ab oculīs
(형용사), (Late Latin) blind
ad utrumque parātus
(형용사), Ready for either alternative.
annō lūcis
(형용사), (literally) "In the year of the light"(freemasonry) The year of commencement (the creation of the world) according to the calendar of craft masonry. It pre-dates 0 AD by 6000 years.
ars robotica
(형용사), (New Latin) robotics
mente captus
(형용사), insane, mad
tantus ... quantus
(형용사), ...만큼 그 만큼 큰, ~할 만큼 ~한
ūnō ab altō
(형용사), (literally) from one height