라틴어 단어 색인

'단어구 명사'에 속하는 라틴어 단어 (317)

imperium in imperiō
(명사), A state within a state, inclusive of deep states or other forces which operate with sovereign-like impunity within a polity
īnscrīptiō ēlectrōnica
(명사), (New Latin) email (address)
interpretātiō germānica
(명사), The tendency of Germanic peoples to equate foreign deities with members of their own pantheon. Many English names for weekdays are Germanic interpretations: for example, Thursday (Thor's day) is an interpretation of Latin dies Iovis (Jupiter's day).
interpretātiō graeca
(명사), The tendency of ancient Greek writers to equate foreign deities with members of their own pantheon. For example, the Egyptian god of learning Thoth was identified with the Greek Hermes.
interpretātiō rōmāna
(명사), The tendency of ancient Roman writers to equate foreign deities with members of their own pantheon.
Isca Dumnōniōrum
(명사), A town in Britannia, now Exeter
iūs cīvīle
(명사), (law) the legal code of ancient Rome; the basis of many modern systems of civil lawcivil law; civil rights
iūs gentium
(명사), (law) jus gentium, the law of nations; international law
iūs iūrandum
(명사), 맹세
iūs prīmae noctis
(명사), the right of the first night; droit de seigneur
Jūlium Carnicum
(명사), a town in the territory of the Carni, now the little village of Zuglio in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Jūnō Monēta
(명사), A title of Juno
lac concrētum
(명사), a food consumed by the Germans in Tacitus' time, variously identified by modern scholars as cheese (particularly quark), curd, or butter
lanterna magica
(명사), 마법의 랜턴 (원시적 형태의 환등기)
lapis philosophōrum
(명사), (alchemy, fiction) philosopher's stone
lār familiāris
(명사), (usually in the plural, lares familiares) a household deity
Laus Pompēia
(명사), A city in Gallia Transpadana situated on the road between Mediolanum and Placentia, now Lodi Vecchio
lēx ferenda
(명사), (law) what the law ought to be
lēx lāta
(명사), (law) The law as it is.
littera canīna
(명사), the letter R (literally dog's letter, after its trilled pronunciation in Latin)
littera cōnsonāns
(명사), (grammar) consonant
littera tenuis
(명사), (grammar, Late Latin) the unaspirated voiceless stops in Ancient Greek (π, τ, κ) as opposed to the aspirated voiceless stops (φ, χ, θ)
littera vōcālis
(명사), (grammar) vowel
litterae clausae
(명사), 봉함 칙허장, 봉인된 문서
litterae patentēs
(명사), 개봉 칙허장, 특허증
Lūca bōs
(명사), Lucanian cow (an epithet for elephant)
Lūcus Augustī
(명사), A city in Hispania Tarraconensis, now Lugo
lūsus nātūrae
(명사), a deformed or strangely marked creature; a freak
mālum cotōnium
(명사), 마르멜로 열매, 모과
mālum pūnicum
(명사), A pomegranate