라틴어 단어 색인

'단어구 명사'에 속하는 라틴어 단어 (317)

occasus solis
(명사), 일몰
Ōceanus Pācificus
(명사), Pacific Ocean
oleum phōsphorātum
(명사), (New Latin) Elemental phosphorus (white phosphorus) mixed in olive oil.
opera pūblica
(명사), public works.
opus operatum
(명사), opus operatum; The work wrought.
pāgina interrētiālis
(명사), (New Latin) web page
pancratium metrum
(명사), Pancratian meter, a trochaic meter consisting of hypercatalectic monometer
panem et circenses
(명사), (politics) bread and circuses
Papua Nova Guinea
(명사), Papua New Guinea
paraffīnum molle album
(명사), (New Latin) literally: soft, white paraffin; soft, white petroleum jelly; Vaseline; petrolatum. Used in the preparation of pharmaceutical creams and ointments.
paraffīnum molle flāvum
(명사), (New Latin) literally: soft, yellow paraffin; soft, white petroleum jelly; Vaseline; petrolatum
pars ōrātiōnis
(명사), (grammar) part of speech
pars prō tōtō
(명사), A type of metonymy in which an entity (person, object) is referred to by a (conspicuous) part, for the whole, e.g. a country by its capital.
pater familiās
(명사), head of household
Pater noster
(명사), The Lord's prayer (literally our father)
patrēs cōnscrīptī
(명사), An honorific term of address for the Roman Senate, literally conscript fathers or fathers and conscripts.
Pāx Jūlia
(명사), A town in Lusitania situated on the road between Ebora and Esuris, now Beja
placenta uterī
(명사), (New Latin, anatomy) placenta (vascular organ in gestating mammals)
plēraque omnia
(명사), (of things) almost all, nearly all
plērīque omnēs
(명사), (of people) almost all, nearly all
plurale tantum
(명사), 절대 복수 (직역: 오직 복수형만 = 복수형만 존재하는 단어)
pōmum aurantium
(명사), (Medieval Latin, New Latin) orange (fruit)
pondus atomicum
(명사), (New Latin, physics, chemistry) atomic weight
pōns asinōrum
(명사), literally, "the Bridge of Asses": the geometric theorem (Euclid's fifth) that the two angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are also equala difficult early test that must be passed if further progress is to be made
Pontus Euxīnus
(명사), Black Sea
Portus Ostium
(명사), Portsmouth (a city in southern England)
praegrande emporium
(명사), (New Latin) supermarket
praepositus vīllae
(명사), (Medieval Latin) A constable.(Medieval Latin) An underconstable, a petty constable.(Medieval Latin) A reeve.
prīncipālis pars
(명사), either of the active and passive voices, regarded as the principal parts of the verbeither of the noun and the verb, regarded as the principal partēs ōrātiōnis
pronomen relativum
(명사), 관계대명사