OLC part1 exercise 12.4 질문드립니다

2021.11.28 19:02

Aeneas 조회 수:37

혼자 공부하는데 여기에 QnA를 할 수 있는 것 같아 질문남깁니다

답변주시면 정말로 감사드리겠습니다

OLC part1 exercise 12.4 작문이 맞는지 확인해주시길 부탁드립니다

1.when Aeneas sees Dido, he runs up to her and says, 'help us, queen.'

ubi Aeneas videt Didonem, currit ad eam et inquit 'regina, succurre nobis.'


2.Dido receives him kindly, for the fame of the Trojans is known to all.

Dido eum benigne accipit, nam fama Troianorum omnibus nota est


3.she leads him to the palace and gives a great dinner for all the Trojans.

ducit eum ad regiam et dat magnas epulas omens Troianos


4.after the dinner, she says, 'Aeneas, tell us all the sufferings of the Trojans.'

ubi cena confecta est, inquit, 'Aeneas, narra nobis omnes labores Troianorum.'


5.all listen silent to him, while he tells them the story.

omnes taciti audiunt eum, dum narrat eos fabulam.

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