라틴어 단어 색인

'단어구 명사'에 속하는 라틴어 단어 (317)

diēs Lūnae
(명사), Monday
diēs Martis
(명사), Tuesday
diēs Mercuriī
(명사), Wednesday
diēs Sabbatī
(명사), Saturday
diēs Saturnī
(명사), Saturday
diēs Sōlis
(명사), Sunday
diēs Veneris
(명사), Friday
digitus salūtāris
(명사), index finger, forefinger
dioxydum carbōnicum
(명사), (New Latin) carbon dioxide
disculus compactus
(명사), (New Latin) compact disc
disculus vīsiōnis digitālis
(명사), (New Latin) DVD, digital video disc
Domina Nostra
(명사), Literally "Our Lady", a title for the Virgin Mary
domus equestris
(명사), an apartment with windows facing both the street and an interior courtyard.
ē caudāta
(명사), (Medieval Latin) e caudata (used in Latin)
eclipsis solaris
(명사), 일식
electrificīna nucleāris
(명사), (New Latin) [nuclear power plant]
epistula ēlectrōnica
(명사), (New Latin) email (message)
Fānum Fortūnae
(명사), A city in Umbria, on the left bank of the river Metaurus, now Fano
fasciculus arcuātus
(명사), (New Latin) arcuate fasciculus (bundle of axons forming part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus)
fēlīx culpa
(명사), (religion) blessed fault, fortunate fall, used in reference to the Fall of Man.
fidēs Pūnica
(명사), (idiomatic) Punic faith, that is treachery according to the Romans.
firma burgī
(명사), (medieval, law) A lump sum payment provided to an authority (usually the Crown) in lieu of other irregular fees due to it from a borough or its individual residents.(medieval, law) The right to provide such a payment.
fistula cibālis
(명사), (anatomy) The oesophagus
Forum Cassiī
(명사), A town in Etruria situated between Sutrium and Volsinii
Forum Clōdiī
(명사), A town in Etruria situated between Sabate and Blera
Forum Cornēliī
(명사), A town in Gallia Cisalpina situated between Bononia and Faventia, now Imola
Forum Deciī
(명사), A town of the Sabines mentioned only by Pliny
Forum Flāminiī
(명사), A town in Umbria situated near Fulginia
Forum Fulviī
(명사), A town in interior Liguria, now Valenza
Forum Gallōrum
(명사), A village situated between Mutina and BononiaA town of the Ilergetes in Hispania Tarraconensis