고전 발음: []교회 발음: []
기본형: jūrāmentum, jūrāmentī
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | jūrāmentum iuramentum가 | jūrāmenta iuramentum들이 |
속격 | jūrāmentī iuramentum의 | jūrāmentōrum iuramentum들의 |
여격 | jūrāmentō iuramentum에게 | jūrāmentīs iuramentum들에게 |
대격 | jūrāmentum iuramentum를 | jūrāmenta iuramentum들을 |
탈격 | jūrāmentō iuramentum로 | jūrāmentīs iuramentum들로 |
호격 | jūrāmentum iuramentum야 | jūrāmenta iuramentum들아 |
Jusjurandum, and the later word juramentum, denote a civil oath, by which a man confirms or promises something; sacramentum denotes a military oath, by which the soldier solemnly pledges and binds himself not to forsake his standard. Liv. xxii. 38. Milites tunc quod nunquam antea factum erat, jurejurando a tribunis militum adacti jussu consulum conventuros neque injussu abituros; nam ad eam diem nihil præter sacramentum fuerat. And xxxv. 19. (vi. 183.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
고전 발음: []교회 발음: []
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