- 라틴어-한국어 사전

라틴어-한국어 사전 검색

neglictī erātis

고전 발음: [티: 라:] 교회 발음: [티: 라:]


  • (negligō의 과거완료 수동태 직설법 2인칭 복수형 ) (너희는) neglegō어졌었다

    형태분석: neglict(어간) + ī(어미)


3변화 동사; 이형 고전 발음: [고:] 교회 발음: [고:]

기본형: negligō, negligere, neglixī, neglictum

  1. neglegō
  1. Alternative form of neglegō.

활용 정보



  • sicut ille deficeret ab artis perfectione qui finalem formam tantum intenderet, media vero per que ad formam pertingeret non curaret, sic natura, si solam formam universalem divine similitudinis in universo intenderet, media autem negligeret; (Dantes Aligherius, De monarchia, Liber Secundus 18:14)

    (단테 알리기에리, , 18:14)

  • Terminum quintum & sequentes hic negligo, ut infinite minores quam qui in hoc Problemate considerandi veniant. Itaq; (Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, DE MOTU CORPORUM LIBER SECUNDUS., SECT. II. De motu corporum quibus resistitur in duplicata ratione velocitatum. 71:10)

    (아이작 뉴턴, 자연철학의 수학적 원리, 물체들의 움직임에 대하여 2권, 71:10)

  • & (per Lem. X. Lib. I.) lineola TQ, quae vi illa generatur, est in ratione composita ex ratione hujus vis & ratione duplicata temporis quo arcus PQ describitur, (Nam resistentiam in hoc casu, ut infinite minorem quam vis centripeta negligo) erit TQ × SPq. (Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, DE MOTU CORPORUM LIBER SECUNDUS., SECT. IV. De Corporum circulari Motu in Mediis resistentibus. 8:4)

    (아이작 뉴턴, 자연철학의 수학적 원리, 물체들의 움직임에 대하여 2권, 8:4)

  • Perturbatur autem motus Lunaris aliquantulum à vi Solis, sed errorum insensibiles minutias Physicis in hisce Hypothesibus negligo. (Isaac Newton, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, DE MUNDI SYSTEMATE LIBER TERTIUS., Hypotheses 26:2)

    (아이작 뉴턴, 자연철학의 수학적 원리, 세상의 체계에 대하여 3권, 가설 26:2)

유의어 사전

1. Spernimus rejicienda, fugienda ut libidines. Contemnimus magna, metuenda ut pericula, mortem. Despicimus infra nos posita, ut vulgi opiniones; according to Lambinus. Or, spernere, spernari, aspernari (ἐκπέραίνειν) mean, not to care for a thing, in opp. to appetere, concupisse, Cic. Fin. ii. 10, 51. Plaut. Mil. iv. 2, 59, something like ἀποβάλλειν; whereas contemnere, poetically temnere (from temere), not to fear a thing, in opp. to timere, metuere, Cic. Fam. vii. 32. Att. ii. 24. Sen. Prov. 6. Tac. H. ii. 92, like καταφρονεῖν; lastly, despicere, despectare, not to value a thing, in opp. to suspicere, revereri, admirari. Cic. Off. ii. 11, 38. Tac. Ann. ii. 43, like ὀλιγωρεῖν. 2. Spernere denotes despising, as an inward feeling, synonymously with parvi putare, negligere; spernari, and the more usual word, aspernari, as an utterance of that feeling, synonymously with recusare, abnuere, rejicere, like waving from one. In spernere, the notion of holding cheap predominates; in aspernari, that of aversion or rejection. Spernere refers to an object which is at one’s command; aspernari, to something offered to us, or obtruded upon us. 3. Aspernari is confined to the simple avowal of aversion; whereas recusare includes the decided declaration of unwillingness. Curt. vi. 6, 7. Principes aspernantes quidem, sed recusare non ausos Persicis ornaverat vestibus. 4. The spernens follows a moral and rational aversion, and acts more or less with a consciousness of his grounds for despising anything; whereas the fastidiens follows a physical and instinctive aversion, whether it be an innate or temporary antipathy, which arises either from an actual loathing, or from what appears like it; lastly, the negligens follows the suggestion neither of reason, nor yet of instinct and feeling, but acts without thought or purpose. (ii. 178.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein

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