Iuris et iudicii fecialis, sive, iuris inter gentes, et quaestionum de eodem explicatio

발행: 1911년

분량: 269페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



Member in the Institute in Internationa Lain

Iuris et Iudicii Fecialis, sive Iuris Inter Gentes, et Quaestionum de Eodem Explicatio



The Carnegie Institution o Washington has underi alien there publicationis the lea ling classi cs of Internationalia and the present volume, di ted by the distinguis hed publicis Professor Thorna Erskine Hollandi is the sirsti a comprehensive serieS.one reason for the under takin is the difficult o procuring the texis in convenient fornicior scientific tu ly; the libraries in the nited States have been se arched with the reguli that se of

the earlier Work were tot found Another re agon is that so meo the work selecte for republication have neve been translate into Englis h. The American publicis is there fore at adiga luant age in consulting ork of admitte authori ty, and when found the a re oscit e re se aled book to ali but tra inedLatini sis. The specialis is thus orced to et upon summarystatem enis and refere iaces to them tote found in reatiges os Internationalia , or is dri ven to examine them in Europe an Libraries, osten a difficult ask, while the genera rea de is practi catly barre frona the tores of knowledge loci et up in the earlier ork on thema of Nations. The sanae dissiculi exigis in Latin America, Japan, and in a Iesse degre in man European

Eminent publici sis, Europe an and Americani ho have been consul ted a to the use fulta es of the plana republigh the lassi cs, have in dorsed the project an have ledged thei persona cooperation. The works tot included in the series have notin lybeen approve diu suggested by them, go that the underi akin is

internationa in scope, in selection, and in executio D.

The underly in principiet selectioni a been to reis gue those work whichian heria id mi ave contribu ted ei the to the originor to the gro this Internationalia and the terna classi hasbeen sed in the bro ad rather than in the narro Sense, o that no work illi omitted hic hiante said o have contribu ted o


the origini raro th of the La os attons. The masterpiece So Grotius ill naturali be the central po in in the Series, ut the works of his te ad ing predecessor and Succe S Sors ill likewi Sebe included The textis ea ch author illi re produce photographicatly Soras to lay the Ourceie fore the ea de Without themistakes hich mighi cree into a ne ly rilate teXt. In thecas of the early authors the photographe te X will e accompani ed by a revi Sed teXt he neve that course hal Seem de- si rabie. An Introduction illi prefixe to ach Work giving the necessar biographica de talis an statin the importa iace of the ex an iis place in Internationaliaw; abies of errata illbe ad dedi an notes deeme necessar to clear u doubi and ambiguities oro correct mi Stakes in the texi ill e supplied. Variations in successive editions of the ex publis hed in theauthor's life time illi noted but litilem noth in in the natureo historica commenta 'illi furnis hed. Each work, ill be ac compani ed by an Englisti versiora made expressi for the series by a competent tranStator. It isto ped that the series, ill en able genera re ader a Gel asspeciali St to trace Internationalia fro in iis a in and unc On- scio umbeginnings to iis present ample proportion and O forecaStwith sonae degre o certaint iis future developmen in to that lawwhicli Mirabea telis us illine da rule themorid.

Genera Editor.