Martini Lister Historiæ sive synopsis methodicæ conchyliorum et tabularum anatomicarum

발행: 1770년

분량: 1016페이지


분류: 해부학


Possession of r. Iubam Porser, Mercliant in London, by whom it wasiost obligingi communicated to the Editor. A. D. 1769.

57 et 23. HIS, probably, is a Sea heli; haviniseen Barnacie helis adhere t it, and there re tot remove from his Tribe N. B. In ome of the sis, Impression it a placesamong the Land natis. 61. 58. Trochilus Monspessulanus triplici Aspectu.65. 3. his hel is very th in and ritiles; of a Stone Colourci themavel o Hollo in the Centreis deep, and it riseth up high from the Edges, in hicli it ver much differs fio at the restos his Tribe. The hel is circumscribe by a very saar an prominent Edge, the under-neathina reati no qui te flat, ut a litile convex, an are four in umber. t was sentfrom Jamaica by Dr. Sisane. 158. 13. his hel is very thic and ponderous, ver smooth o the oulside and of Lyellowis green Colour, not unlike the fresa -water Mus cleriheli, possibi it ma be oK inito that Tribe, tho' o an uncommon Mahe an Figure, I neve sa but this ne hei and that in r. C. 's


I 63. I. Pecte maximus, circiter 14 Strijs admodum crassis Meminentibus, et iisdem ipsis Striatis insignitus. Liser de Coch. Marinis Animalium Anglis Tit. 29.i65. . his callo is much les than the former; ther is it is, in many Things, much like it, thatie inleveri a tone Colour it differs in that it is redisti and curious1 marbled, both abolit the Botto an on the uppe Par of the biggei hell also it agrees in the Hollownesso the les Dor under heli, solas tot distaedis ut ard ly in the number of Ridges, whichare in his about fourteen also in the oblique Notches pono heminge; hicli et in his seem tote more than in the former, ascis expresssed in the nex Draught. T. 166. 66. s. In his also the Channelis are mooth and without strea ked, hereas the Channelis of the Englissi heli are a thicli and dee streaked as the Ridges Again the Sides of these Ridges in his Shel are more a right Angles Wherea in that the are flatter.

a 7 i. his is a whi te hel neve sa but one of them in r. Charison 's Collection stallo K, with our large Risngs o Ridges, besides other maller on the les Hand the Ea had underit a Row of mali Teeth that were in a Manner, holi defaced. x et . Pecte minimus angustior inaequalis fere, et asper, Tit. I. de Cochi marin Anim Ang. x 4. 11. his hellos rare an se of them are to e et with in the Cabineis of the Curious. It is ver flat an hollow, and et the onerat de is much alter than the other, speciali a the Head Nitch I have cauled ais to e drawn frona a very perfectiair: See 75 12. This Scallos is more Long than Broad avinithirteen or Durteen Rid ges ver round and rising ; the Ears are o both Sides large but not altogether like,ieinia Thought large on the right Hand speali of the ppermost o bigger hell,hicli is novi figured in his Plate Most that Psaw,ere lilae, ut the net thermost helli one Pat was spolied illi a dari


Tab. q. have seen of these helis twice bigger hanciliis hicli is here figured They are longandἷ75. a. narro compare to the est of the Tribe. The two ars are litti an somethiniunt ille: that on the est Si de comes more opin down the Side, ut it is no more protuberant Theruid gestare mali and numerous, at leastixi in ali but fio a sinoothioint gro insensibi rough, and muricaled illi long an stende and oping oinis, after the manne os Titini the Inside is altogether smooth. his hel is moderatet capaci ous, in the Fastriono Spoon in us at this Time. It is os a light brownisti sandy Colour. There are many of them collected in Cabineis.177. Pecte figura Chamae Aldrovandi. 179. 16 his is for the Bigness, a thicher an stronger hel tha that of Ν'. 192. 29. an is alisos a longer hape an no so hollow. I hath about eighteen Ridges,hicli are large than in ille callo mentione&: it is arbled, reddisti and white, and o metimes blueisn the taron the lest Side is narro e much.

181 18 Pecten tenuis, subrufus maculosus, circiter 2o Striis majoribus at levibus donatus Tit so. Liser de Coch. Marin Anim Ang.

182. 19. his is the uppe Sheli, illi Teeth, of the Scallo described, 9 et 29. here it is to be

are ver saallo and faint.


te. The unde or lesie Shellis an Pecten is eas lycio heanowndro the uppe because the impression o the place Where the nervous Ligamenti id ad heresis eve to the les Si de of the unde Shell, and to the right Side of the ut per o bigger helli and this tot understood in

like manne os ali Bivalves. 193. o. Ostreum vulgare maximum intus argente quodam splendore albescens. Tit. 26. de Coch. Marin Lis Anim Ang.

Adde friatum quod tamen intelligendum est de superiore is ore tantum est a. 19 . 32. It is bucon the oneri ideir po the Back of the greater heli that the Hooks are so that theother halfir esse HSheli is mithout them and theres ore we seldom have a d wig of themi ut thelesse Shelis are ali anting. Also the esse valve Dedgediea the Hinge illi mali Notches. The Figure of this indis Tree Oister is very odd and of wonderfui Vari et so me long and

et o 1. 35. Ostreae alicujus Virginianae valva altera minor. In the Gulf of Orotigna and the Isiand therein in the Province of Nicaragua on the ouili ea are many hell-Fisties of et long Form so me a Cubit long so me lesse creassed, roWinibi Oade an broade to the End when the are ope neclthe have a ficta Substance, illi in the andia ine, illi in a Peari ister do half thei tength, thencei degrees ossing that sta in inito ard the broader End. The Pearis illi in them are

Purchas. l. 5. c. 3. Part. 3.eto 6. o. Concha corallina aspera Aldrovandi.

N. B. his is the les eris unde Shel of this orti Spondyle, the uppe Shel havinia Breali and rom that Breal to theminge a lope ut ver remarkable, a though done by

et o 7. i. Spondylus Rondeleti sive Ostrea Gai deropoda Bellonii ex Rondeletio, Urovandi. et 1 o. his helliath high Ridges and sta arp, in seme more and some les have counted in orte in some By the oothing of the Hingerit is a Spondylus, o,hicli the Strength and hicknes of the hel answers it is os a pale redisti Colour. An hae revera Anomalae sunt' verum ob dissimiles Testas,in quod plerisque eae admodum cras ae sunt, Spondylis adposui. III. 45, 46 An veri Lapides 8217. 53. Inter Coralium Maris Mediterranei inventum. aeto 55. Concha tenuis testae Alisos. 22 I. 56. . nain eadem Concha Margaritifera. et 23. 5 The Pearis lie under the utiermost Part of the Circuit of the Oister in Ranks and Proportions. 224. 58.J unde a certain Part whicli is of manyllatis and Fold called isti Rume, for the Similitude iti athunto a Russe. The Pearis encreas in Bignes as the be neare the Enyo Joint of the ister. Sir Ric Ham in apud Purchas L. . . . art. th. I sa a very smal Pair of helis froni Jamaica, hicli,ere long Oister like, ut the Colour of the Inside wasi a blue ista Mothero Peari Colour, and the Hollo or Bason o a Rhomboi Figure the hiris encompasseclwith a Ridge of the Sheli, reachinimuch beyon it, as in theirst Figure of the Mother of leari Κind Ν'. et . 58. his represented. ne of the helis,as much saallower than the other, the Nech wasdrawn out to a mar Potnt after the anne os Pinnas o Musicles and the Connexionos theriheli seemed olei a certain umber of Ties, whichisahes me putrit in his Division .et 68 1οψ I have seen one of these helis, thrice a bitas his, ut the are rare. This helicis ver stroniand ponderous, there are two remarkable broad List frona the Top to themorderis a dari hai Colour the transverse Creases arei nequa an not hic siet. N. B. Phave seen ome of these orae it a different Species, whicli I incline to whicli,ereo a brownisti chesin ut Colour, ver litile fasciated, ut ather sinooth and whereas the Nec and Head orioint of this helicis ver deepi fasciated these ere ver sinooth; ut in ali Things eis these were very like. 271 Io 7. his is a very mallo and exceed init hic and ponderous hell, smoothon the oulside or fyou ill fasciated or irregularly orked On the Inside to ards the est Hanxit is os a violet Ρui pleri The Edges is ver fuit os mali an stiatio Hatchings, ut no indented the extrem Edge ei nismooth. his is the ni Shel of the insiliates have se en it was in Mr. C. 's Collection that Psa it an caused ita be figured. N. B. Phave see two other Species very ea resemblinit his hel in ali Thingi Thefirst differs in that is ver finet striate on the ulside e twix the regular rinlites only, thos Stria be inios a very peculia Mahe, and this seem tote a Rock-stone in the Figureo a Sheli, ein extrem et white o chathy, and Diable. The secon is notis ear so thichand ponderous a the othe two described, and is, hi te both, illi inside and without, ut is fasciate with fine hin rising Edges at certain Distances, there being properi no Furrows atali ansiuering the Edges and was brought Dona theia o Campeche in the west Indies. 289. 25. This


289. 25. The lis Dare mali and ver regular, and not much extant but flat, socii is, ascit were, mooth.

Here also is a mali luna Sinus nea themib. Ab Insula Jamaica. et 3 129 his hel is,hi te inside, ouisides probably brown when the Animal is incit, and chalcitis fres . The Lisi care are so very mali an many that the Designa ath carce figure the onelial of them I hath a re markabie luna Sinus o the onerat de of the i, it is a thichan s ron Sheli. his is found o the Englisti Coas . et ψ. go his hel is very hic and hallo , he Edges sinooth, the circular Wrinlites are e numerous, mali, an no very rising it is stat ned illi a brown hai Colour, and in Ome Places illi that Colour indente Mor,aved. The Figure of the Headi Misit is ver odiani Battisa. It is auare Cochle neve sa but two Patri them. 297 13 . his hel was alien uino the Coasti Norway. The Lisscare fine and sines and pretiyregular, ut saar an rough, i is moderatet strong for the Bignes and not ver stratio :It is litterinside, ulside The luna Sinus ea themi is noto he observe in his Sheli. goo. 137. Ab India occidentali. 3Ο3 14 his helicis hin comparati vel to thos like it in his and the other Tribes of Pen tuli It is pretiit vel nex ith a purpi ista Colour, in other brown it is fasciated, ut ne ither regulari nor ver high and conspicuous the Ridges of the heli are mooth and not indented, which does sussicienti distinguissi it froin the other in his Tribe. Ind. Occident. 3O . i 5. Ab India occidentali. This is a very thicli and strong hel and stalloin, it is irregulari fasciated there are of them also some less, o a different Species that a re in o me Paris irregulari striate also It is marblex ith a yello ista brown Colour, in some pretiit vel ne a ille purpsisti the Edgesin thei Inside are quite round about to the ver Hirige finet indente or ather

324. 16I Concha echinata Gethera. 327 16 Ab Africano Litore ad Fluvium Congo. 331. 168 Concha striata longa Rondeletii. 336 1 a The mali ones of this in are ver beautilat, ellowissa, illi darhirown S t runningi an undulate Manne froin Side to Side. There are Shens also of this indiser much bigger than that whicli is represented. et

ali are rare.

349. 87. Concha imbricata minima Aldrovandi. 351.189. ridaesines Alisovandi. 35 . 19 I. Inter Concharum genera omnia, quae nobis videre contigit hucusque, alii recentiores

descripserunt, nullam conspeximus majorem hac a nobis nunc depictaci quare Maximae cognomen meruit, ob testae crasTtiem, gravitatem atque duritiem, Marmoream denominavimus. Illustri nota ab aliis secernitur, quia Septenis tantum a Cervice ad Os ductis distinguitur magnis striis, totidemque strigibus inter se magnitudine paribus, alternatim ad invicem oppositis, cum occhiditur testa. Figura Conchae oblonga, per obliquum Cervicis, ab uno latere longiore Clavicula magna cervici adest elata, atque altera exigua admodum circa extremum Conchae, parte breviore canaliculis illis subjacentibus, quibus alterius Conchae, vel Testae pars claviculae respondentes connectuntur. Contraria vero majoris Claviculae parte septem conspiciuntur incisurae Scalarum ritu decrescentes, quae pars circa cervicem se dilatans reclinat atque auris modo quae pectini est, non exerta, sed infra Conchae crassitudinem producitur Linea locus, quem Animal occupat Conchae internus ac magis pallens definiri videtur; colore deinceps per ambitum circa ora candicante Marmoris politi modo, splendido. Externa Conchae parte triarum addita mentis crassis tota exaspera redditur, quibus tegularum et i bricum modo, alia super aliis superaddita videntur; quapropter imbricata dici merito potest. Striges vero lineis tantum exasperantur densioribus, sinuosis, oblique decurrentibus ab altero ad alterum Conchae extremum magnitudine et sinu bus imparibus juxta striarum inrigium magnitudinem atque crassitiem , at circa ora quidem sinu et circulo pollicari amplitudineundosae conspiciuntur, circa cervicem vero minimae admodum. Ab ea parte, duas uncias crasiti superat Concha, circa ora in tenuitatem abit.

356. 93. The Musicle in theirst Place is large for the ind the trias are big, rising and a littieundulated, and oward the broad End of the hel are doubleo branched. his spurptista, at east in Places on the Oulside the rest hi te and mother of peari Colour. 356. 95. his Muscle is mooth and so me of them are truice a bigas it is figured the Colour of theo ut side in sonae is reddista, and whi te illiin, ut theses judgesare decayed, and these arem osti preti stron and thici but tho se of a Fresines arein the Oulside os a brown hair Colour, and of a purpi ista res illi in These come fro Jamaica.

358. 196. There


358. 196. There is another elegant, striate, large purptim Muscle, hicli came horia Carolina in the west Indies This is not ea se dee and concave a the other, ut the tria in his arethree forine in the former, thes Strias also are bifid toruard the broad End the insidesaines illi a most beauti fulleari Colour.37o. Io. The irst in the Plate is a thi transparent hel of the Colour of Horn, illi here and there mali Prichles it silunt a the broad End tali it tot a very younis isti. 37o. d. his hel also is very th in and transparent, ver blunt a the broad Ens yello inisti, distinguistic crosiways, illi fine aves, dra n sinat and thici The heli is har ridged atthe malle End, and ver strati, illi litti or no Sinus This 37 I. II. is noto bedistinguislied froin the forme but that it, anis the transverse Lines, ut halli eminenti theundulate&Wave running tengthWays. 373 et 1 his hel is figured a bitas the Lise , the only one of the ind thates have seen, it isos a dar live Colour Frona the mali En and ownward run even or ight Rowes of high, thicli, and hollo Pipes blunt a the Enes these concave Murices are twiste into Pipes; here the are not, the are imbricates themec of this hel is a litile more sinuous than the est of the Tribe. The hel is thino it' Bul k, and the Basis is a litile produce and round potia ted Thetiddie of this hel is dar live Colour, save where thes isti adherest themech, i is a bright mother of peari Colour.374. 15 his is the common Pinna of the mediterranean ea, there are of them os a vast Magnitude. The sinat En is hi gh idged frona inhenc the transverse aves begin, and are ascit were imbrica ted lyiniabove the heli like Scales, in a preti undulate and indented an-ner, ut, i thout much Orde and Exactness it is of a dar hai Colour, the broad Ensis abo ut the middie extended a litile to allunt Potnt.

386. 33. his large ellina is os a Cornelia Colour, very mooth, and very thici and ponderous in hos of this Growth and Bignes , ut the esse are thin and ligh and pretiit fasciated, at least sonae of them. 17 261 Tellinis congener Aldrovandi. a I. 65. his hel stem tot Chamous, o naturali ope a both Ends it ath a id ge oris depresie Sinus a the End, here them ingeris, therwis it is equali obtuse an broad alboth Ends, notin like the Solen in d amongst,hicli it might be place it is hin and hollo and of a brown Colour. Ι neve sa but his one Patri them in r. C.'s Cabinet.

Fro the mediterranean ea.

434. 77. I have seen of thes fio Carolina si Inches long and wo Broad. 469.27. b. his is a very large Sione and seems to have had Earcon acti Sides there about twentyRidges smooth and round whicli et re very mali, is compare to the Furrows, hic hare wide an deep. ne Side of the tone for it was an entiremi valve seeme tote sonaethingiualter than the other. aliis out of r. C.' Collection. 47o. 28. his is a most beauti tritone, of r. C.' Collection Themimeren ce of this tone and the Scallo above Tab. 87. 5. is mani id a Uil appea frona the Description In his Sione is ilia Ears the are brohesost hare eightee Ridges a least theseruid ges consistosive mali Ridges, that in the Middie is ver much ai sed above the est and saarper be- inisset hic with si1ar Potnis on acti Side oscit are Row of mali Potnis oriri clites thic set an on acti Si de are two Rid ges sunt Howe in to the Furrows, hic set also vitii

78. 35. his Sion e was found a the Chapellat Si Crotonea Pollier in France, and is of r. C. 's Collectios it is very thicli an ponderous, it is o b distinguis exfrona the ister, fortha it is os an oblong Figure, them inge is very broad, and a it e re trebl also the Placeo the Ligament ei nito the right Hand of the Inside of the hell, it is heres ore the unde and leser hel of the Bivalve, and consequently is it was ur iste i saould have a Row of Knot on acti Side theminge, ali hic licit, anis, and therem re is a Stone oscit's

ated haviniabo ut en of them, achiist consistinio a great an other malle Lislsaster the anne o Hatching. 9 I. 47. his is a very large hi te chali or lime tone. From heminge to the Borde it lies extende much more tengthway the Strealis of them inges are eatly turne in again, running long the Borde a preti Wavinisor abolitiYte e Courses, at the rest of the sto ne is mooth. have no observesan of the hel Κinyan way like t. 9 . o. his Sion is of a dari brown Colour it is an inti remi valve, the alves are wry, as twere, ather than crustae&; the Basis o Borde running into an Angle the Strealis are mallan eminent the Sinus' on acti Side the Hinge a re very wide an large.



In his it differs frona the heli, that tueant the Ridge, hicli that hath, most consciioust leadinito the Anglein themorder, also that the Strealas here a re much fine ratfor buth. Fosiil prope Parisias in Sabulet quodam inventus. This tone is altogether sinooth an is found in the Middie of a Sion a in a Iair halched after the Manner of the Larides Iudaici This Discovernis oWinito r.ethcob d