장음표시 사용
Og. VARIOLA. Contagio iis inflammat ory sever, Nith vomiting, and Palii upon pressing the epigastrium. The eruption os sinali red pimples begins On thethird day, and ends on the fifth et in the course of eight days they suppurate, and at last fati ossin Crusis, of ten leaving depressed scars or litile piis in the S in . The specieS aro, J. Variola ciscreta, With sevi distinct pustules, having Circular margins, turgid; the flaver coasing upon the eruption brea ing Out.2. Variola consuens, th numero us confluent pustules having irregular margins, flaccid, and litile elevation, the s ver continuing after tho eruption.
On the sciurth day, or a litile later, the sinali pimple s
harilly elevatod, breali out in clus ters, and after three days fali Osr in a s mali me aly deSquamation. I. Rubeola Dulgetris, With ginali confluent cluStering Pimples in clusters, Scarcely Elevate d. It variOS, a. With violent symptoms, and irregular cou TS E. b. Accompanted Nith cynanche.C. - - - a putrid dia thesis.
q. Rubeola Dariolo es, with distinct elevated Pimples. 28. SCARLATINA . Contagio us inflammatory laver. On the fourth day of the disease, the face a litile
O . PESTIS. Very Contagio iis nervous flaver, Willi extremo debili ty.
It varies according to the age of the patient. α. EpiStaxis strariorum, Nith sigiis of arteriai pletbora. h. Epistaxis Senum, Willi sigias of venous pletli Ora.
U. SYMPTOMATI C. r. From internal CaUSES. h. Frona externat caUSES.
times of heat in the chest: dissiculi respiration; irritation in the fauces : blood os a florid colour, andos teri frothy, heing brought up by coughing.
os sonae accustomed CVacuation. O. SYMPTOMATI C.
Pain or sense of might in the liead : vertigo : patii in the lolns and in the anus et livid pa inful tubercles
nor in childhod. 2. Menorrhagia chor es, bloody in pregnant Nomen. I. Menorrhagia lochialis, bio ody in Nomen in childbed.
. Menorrhagia viliorum, bloody from topical diseaso. S. Menorrhagia alati, serous Without topical disease in Nomen not Pregnant. 6 Menorrhagia Nabothi, serous in Pregnant WOmen. IIAEMATEM EsIs, is in generat vicarious os an accusto med Hemorrhage, symptomatio of topical dis ease of the stomach, of What is called the morbus niger, or lastly of externat violence. IIAEMATURIA is generalty symptomatis of calculus in the kidneys, and Sometimes of putrid flaver. CYATIRRHAGIA i5 in generat symptomatic os calculus in the bladder, rarely of any other diseas e there.
The whole of the voluntary motioris almost abolished, Willi more or less profound fleep, the action of the beari and arteries continuiDE.