장음표시 사용
GI. HYSTERIA. Rumbling of the boweis; sense of a bali rising in tho
ORDER III. SPASMLh. Froni excessive bloody dis charge of the menses.c. Froni exceSSive SerouS dis charge of the menSes, orsrom fluor albuS. . proni viscerat obstruction. e. Froni dis ease of the stomach.
Gq. HYDROPHOBIA. Loathing and horror of liquids, from their excitin patiis ut convulSion of the pharynx, generalty arisin froni the bite os a rabid animal. I. Hydrophobia rabioset, Willi destre os biling.2. Hydrophobia Sin leae, Without rage, or de8ire to
ceived or not remembered. I. Amentia congeniist, froni the time of birth. lata, fi
6s. MELANCHOLIA.Partial insani ty, without dySpepsia. It varies as the subjects Whicli induce it. ti. From the state of the patient's health being conceived dangerous from Stight cauSES. h. Froni false perception of the prosperous State of the patient's affairs. c. From vehement love, Without Satyriasis or nymphoniantu. . From superstitious fears. E. Froni aversion to action and the duties of lis e. . Froni inquietude and impatience in every Silua
tionis g. Froni Nearin ess of lisse.
s 2. FLATULENT. O. PNEUMATOSIS. Sinolling of the body, distended, elastic, and crachling
Slight elastic tumour in the hypogastrium, resemblingthe figure and Sent of the womb.
pecialty erysipelaS. . AnaSarca cinoemret, hom thinness of the blood, caused by hemorrhage. g. Anasarca debilium, in debilitated persons.
Sost, smali swelling above the lumbar vertebrae, theSevertebrae separating.
Difficuli respiration; palen ess offace; inde mutou S gwell-ings of the lower extremities; sin ali quantity ofurine et difficulty of lying : sudden stari ing frona SleCP With palpitation of the heari; water fluctuating in
SNelling of the abdomen ; tense; elastic et fluctuating. l. Ascites ob longintilis, Willi equat tum our of the whole abdomen, and with evident fluctuation. It varies in iis CaUSE, α. From viscerat obstruction. h. Froni debility.c. From thinness of the bl ood. d. In the nature of the liquid effused.2. AScites Setoeotus, Willi partiat swelling of the abdomen, at least at the beginning, and With no very evident fluctuation.
s. HYDROCELE. Tum our of the scrotum, not patia fui, increasing gra- dually, Sost, fluctuat ing, pelluci d. s l. SOLID. . So. PHYSCONIA. Tum our chieny occupying a particular part of the abdomen, in creasing gradually, giving no found whenstruch, nor fluctuating.
SI. RACHITIS. Head large, forehead particularly prominent, Jοinis