Songs, ballads, and other poems

발행: 1844년

분량: 314페이지


분류: 미분류



jo Or Sorrow Who has allowed in melodious Verse the parenta and the filia affectionso ho hasgiven to instreis the attributes of intellec and wit, the subduin influence of pathos, homage OWomen, di amatic picturing of character, and romance of sto G and who has reclaime even festive son stom vulgarit - that suci a riter' ivortis should not have a docat habitation ' assigned to them, Would e a reproach to modern literatare. The generalit of this feetin has been manifested by frequent solicitation to the present editor to em-bod in ne edition the writings of her late husband. In her attempto effect his purpOSe, he HSthoweve have falled, halnot essrs D Almaine and CΟ., and ther eminent publishers, ho old thecopyright of many of r. Baylf Song and Ballatis, liberali permitte heroo reprint them in the re sent complete edition of his Poetical orks. To


Verani the oun poet was urtured in the lapos luxury, and walched ver illi that fontines and tender an Xiety ith hicli a parent naturali lookson an only hild in hom vere centre ali the est affections of the heart. Before e quille the patertia roO early a SeVen ear of age, his mollier discovere that his outhfui minxi ad been a Work, not on the astis et do via foraim to learn, ut in dramatigin a tale ut os ne of his story-bookS. Hemas generali considered tot an ille boy thoughStricti speakin he id not merit his censureo fortiis playsia fano and livet imagination ere Verint Work, and constanti ted hirn to Stra from the regia lar allis of earnin and tu ly, in hicli bo7s of more ordinary capacit frequently gained igher Commendations. ut genita in her a steady and unequa figlit osten deal thus Withier foliora ers. Asa proos of the impossibilit os resti aining his poeticalideas, even at this early age, e here transcribea poena rittera by him hen a School-boy the

original of hicli is in a chilii s round and


clearly a that the com hicli scius perceptibleto the ye ives promise of the Spreading ak. In deed, it has been thought that r. Haynes Bayl inherite his talent for composition Domitis materna grandi ather, Arthur Freeman, Sq., Who, sto quote the word of his frien Si RalphΡayne, afterward Lor Lavington was in mannice in honou and of the most Xtraordinaryabilities, ein reputed ne of the finest poets and mos accomptished gentiemen of the age. He Wasan ornament of in hester and Leyden the schoolan universit where eoas re&; and the reception e afterward met illi on his traveis, in the Severat European couris, id honou to himself and


an annoyed hims it Was a profession to,duli sorine of his versatile genius. fieris hori triat, heres ore, it a found impossibi to fix his in tocit, an his father feein that no duantage mul possibi ariSeDOm PerseVering in a pursuit so repugnant to the eel ings an inclinations of his son, permitte him toabandor it altogether. About his time, he rote Severa very amusing articles for the public journals signes Q in the corner, ' in hich he humorousi discussed the passing event of the day He also publisheda mali volume, callex Mough ketches o Bath,''whicli ere echone exceedirigi clever. Hi penindoed was his hie delight an amusemento forae Was eithe fond of hunting, riding, hooting, shing, O any of the ut-door pursuit Whicli are socommonly ought after Pyoun men of his age but e loved to ambie in the elds, with his note book in his harid, and thus to obse e natUre, Un- attende an alone. Η no turne his thoughis to the church, and his ather isti inito forwar his ieri s immediatelyentere him a St. Marymali Oxford, here here maine three years, ut he id not apply himselfio the pursui os academicat honours. His inste sorpoeir gre With his ears, and though he had voluntarily hos en the Stud of theology, he ooni undisim fel as earled by that, as he was When attemptin to qualis himself for the legat profession. Whil a college he had ver ad vantage, and PASSed his vacations illi , privatae tutor in thes Iste is


Wight, at a cottagemea CoWex; ut unfortunately, while here, e ecam so fond of the se that hespent more of his time illi his cousin, Si George Thomas in hos Tachiae made many excurSionS)than illi his books, and was constanti reprimande lb his tutor, rom hos furveillance e frequently escaped for Severa dab Sint a time. The ear bes ore he est Oxford, a circumstanc occurre which, as it occupiet much of the thought of the yotan studentand exto an incident hicli is ighi creditable to