Songs, ballads, and other poems

발행: 1844년

분량: 314페이지


분류: 미분류


Heiathself, and the woriduovexto leariis the vellFrom his agonized Delings, and laugii them to Scorn It pok of his fodies, and what was the tale


Naturalist. '


distance. Hostomby


We eed scarcet mention that the Rosetta alludedi M a litis Hayes, who ent in the res of that character o a fano bali, here the poet iniselfappeare a Don Felix This fano bali, hicli Wasgivei for the purpose of charity, was preceded by adramati representation for hichii .maynes ab lyWrote the prologiae, hichae spoli in the characteros Romeo. It is ut o good Delin for his native city, and will e found in the folio vin collectionos his poemS. Upon his return home, he received the rept he had So ardently ope Dr. reparations for his uniori With Miss ayes ere immediatet Set on OOt.

The setilements were oon made, the relative On


hearis and cheersu countenances eam ed round , an many a praye was offere for the future effare

of the poet anil his bride. The followin beautissi lines ere addresse to tr. Haynes Bayly on his marria e by one of his intimate college friendS.


Aster the wedding, r. and rs. Haynes Baylypassed a monili at orthing, and then made a Uecession os visit to different friend ani conneXions, amongst the mos intimate of the forme was the


u rote the well-known balladiso v alluded to. Hethen returne to the ous and found the adies assembled round the ea-table, heri the smilino ly

beries excessively, and that the neede no scort.

Ηe a no v determine i o go beyon them in pratse of his solitar evenin Walli, an sal that he hadneve enjoye himself, much in his life that he had me a butterfly, illi homine ad Wandered in theregion os sancy, hich had ast rite him uel moropleasiare than he ould have found in chasino, them and that he had ut his thought in verse Theladies immediately ave ut ali further contention vitii the wit, pon his promisin to hori them the


lines e ad justortiteri. Me then producet his tableis, and rea the well-known ballati,

to the great delight of his fiat auditors. It should perhaps be here remarhed that the poetforetoid his own doom in his ballad for it ili be


tier illi me, I hali conside it a favour; and