Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis anglorum

발행: 1881년

분량: 531페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


eius corpore egressam in columbae specie caeli secreta me rare.

ibid 35 uidit Germani Capuani episcopi animam in sphaera ignea ab angelis in caelum serri.

tol his own deat anilis the moment of his departure crie se, ueni. ' The monks could notonderstand what was meant, tili ou daysaster, havin oecasion to sen to a distant monastery the found the


I me monaster over hic abhes Hild reside Was a roster speciali marhed ut is divine grace, an gistex ith heavenlypower os song. one ver could eques him asterWard in composingreligious poems. e was divinet instructed Foroili an advincedage heane nothin os singing, and osten retired rom enteriainments ache saW the har approachinchim. me ad done somnine occasionas and ad retire to the tables. here e lando it fleep, and in adream ne appeare to him, callin and saying, Caedmon, in mesomething. Η pleade his inabilit but was stillaidde to mali theattempt anxio sing the eginning of things created. e immediatelybegan an Beda record a translation os the commmcement of his 3 i,oem. When he had risen rom iee he retatne a reconectio ofwhat he had ung, an adde thereio. When he tot ahout the gistwhic he had received he was mught to the abbem, an in the pre- se e os many learne me relate his ream an repeated his song. Η was asterwatas able to tum into mos sweet wn WhateVer asas interprete to im, an so he an os the creation, he rerum rom


the apostles. He oo monasti vows and ecam subjectri regulardiscipline. When the time of his deat oremnear, he wacili laurieenday and was remove into a cottage here thos who remed likel todi Were,oni tote placed. Me midnight he aine so the eucharist, an enquiriniis at there ere at pince Wit his, e received the heavent viaticum, an ashing o. ea it acto the time os lavdssaid, It is ell, an reclining Hept a litile time and thus dies Thetongum hic had compose so many hol Word os pinis ultere iis last Wotas in pratse H seems stom his action to have been lareWaminos his departure rom the worid. io

the venerable matron Judith whose eam Were offende by laicorum caneus obscenus to writerior them a pari os the go eis in German eotisco ut aliquantulum huius cantus lectionis uiuum saecularium vocum delere cere, in euanoliorum propria inrua occupati dulcedine sonum inutilium rerum nouerint declinare. Paga poeta Viro Lucan Ovid, floo the worid with the presses of thei heroes, Christia poets, Iuvencus Arator Prudentius have se fori the saying aud deed of Christ an os thesaint in their AEn longue nos uero, quamuis arim siue eademque ao gratia instructi diuinorum uerborum splendorem clarissimum proferre propria lingua, dicebant pigrererer o dum eorum cari a i importimemiat inuanti nemre nequiui feci, non quasi ritus sed 'Merna aeri sene actus scristi namque eorum precum fiatus iuvamine euanssinorum partem Fransiue compositam. PSharon Turne ASAE IX. Lingard II s

of Caedmon.

a poet, a St PQ Galo a an posue, vo Gottes Gnade. Forporea nasci uri non sta IN CONVIVIO Sharon umer AS III 5et. - II CITHARAM Cuthber abbatis ea outh and Iarm. to Lun Jasse's Bonis epo 3 s 3oahae eria me quoque citharistam Aialere, sta possis citharizare in cithara, quam nos appellamus ouae quia citharum habeo, d artisum non habeo. sigraue non sit, et istumsucque


Drthien sester leode firum soldandrea selmihtig. Τhis me a litile Myon the Latin textis Beda an Mem to have Is sorme par of some poem in his danknown a Caedmon's fidit song. but it differs greatlydrom the introductionis Caedmon's Genesis Whichhas come down torus, though it is likerit in sub ecl. In his note to the Saxon versio Smith oves a copyis the above lines hom B Moore'sM With some various readius os interest, the needia more meorea bein there oven, though no in Alsred's textos edite byramith. Caedmon die about 68 A D. Por his versio an a glossar os theword containe incit se Addit oles p 31', 79. P 143 7 VILICUM o the economyis, and the servant emPloyed in monastic est lishmenta, se Dr Reeves introduction to the lis os

the creatio the sal and the flood maint of the histor of Abraham, very litile being sal os the lalter pari os the book of Genesis the storyo Exodus, hic is carrie down to the departure rom gypt an las that portionis the book of Daniel whic relates therator of theriluee


De hoc ritu eucharistiae accipiendae manu a uiris, linteamine mundo a seminis, agit Baron in anno ad Martin I Au litis ostenditque in occidente aeque ac oriente diu in usu fuisse etiam cessante persecutione.

, a MVNIENS P 97 l . VIATICO II l 3. Ir os Benedici euangelium sola nocte pro doloris levamine, quod es aliis noctissius fleri consueuerat, a presbsero emitur dominici corporis e sacramentum hora exitus instante pro uiatico datur. ἐψώδιον in liturg arcii 29, litIacob pas eale concmi co 3 conc Agath cras con Arauso Q. OPIesele Conciliengesin II ind also under benedictio uiatica'ὶ III 45 93. 35 no mirac Cuthb c 36. ita ut 4 39. re dia II 37. IV IDend

wit note bis Benedi. 35. Gre III in Bonisi aciendi asse de his

uero dicimus, qui patrem matrem fratrem aut sororem occiderint, ut Morta a suae tempore corpus non suscipias ominicum, nisi sui sis oris exitu 2 5 ora latico Roc church os ou sathema I3o- 135. , I LAUDES NOCTvRNAM IO6 II et n. haron Turner AS III 16.

deriem uirtute qua terat signum Sanctae crucis fronti inprimens et super serius et omne corpus consignauit nouissime auum collirens seris suos extendens bracchia et manus furer corpus clausis oculos ιι , sialens hunc uersum lentur 'in manus tuas, domine, commendo spirituni


a non os the ther member of the monaster Were occupied Wit care so thei Quis The celis, sat he are made into places sor revellingand dri in and other allurementa, and the nun wheneve the haveleisure spenesthei time in inving fine garment so thei adornment.

concerning the fons os men.


, II DAMNANVS no the samous author in abbatis Iona

., 29-3 DOΜVNCVLAE, QUAE AD ORANDUM VEL LEGENDUM FACTAE ERANT, NUNC IN COMESATIONUM POTATIONUM FABUL TIONUM ET CETERARUM SINT INLECEBRARUM CUBILIA CONVERSAE aocon Clovesho et si addan-Stubhs III 360 ut prouideant uim tanti perspectione episcopi in suis arachiis in sint monasteria Nisa

uoca/ριrum nominis sui, id est honesta Mentium quiriorum atque pro eo laborantium habitacula, et non in Iudicrarum artium rece acula hoc est poetarum citharistarum musicorum scurrorum I sed orantium leon 25tium deumque laudantium alitationes, e ut non Merint saeculares quique Mandi licentiam per inconuenientia sibi loca uel discursus ferisueriora monasterii domuncula, ne mauriam aliquando reprehenaeenaei inde sumant si aliquid Dura claustra monas erit Ister quam aedere

uideant uel audiant nam satis noctua atque uitiosa consuetudo est illa a. uiaeorum familiaruas, e maxime, nunnorum minus meo rure conuerrainium monasteriis quia ob hoc saepius diuersorum siue nefandorum suspicionum caMsae non solum oriuntur sed et perseerantur aed amantur ad infamiam professionis nostrae unde non sint sRnctimonialium domicilia turpium confabulationum commessa 35tionum ebrietatum luxuriantiumque cubilia, sed continentium sobrisque uiuentium ac legentium psallentiumque habitacula magisque legendis libris e canendis psalmis quam texendis et plectendis uario colore inanis gloriae uestibus stu-


deant operam dare Beda uita ut ci6a et 7 cque hodis in eodem

monasterio Lindisfarne exemplo eius obseruarur, ne quis uarii aut pretiosi coloris habeat indumentum sed ea maxima uestium Uecie sin consenti, quam nasuralis ovium lana miniuras. haron umer

quoque in parrochiis ueseris ebrietatis mesum nimis adsuetum erae, ut non solum episcosi quidam non pro/ibeant, se etiam isti nimis bibentes, inebrientur et alios sorrectis soculis maiorisus comant ut inebrientur. IO 1484 SUBTILIORIBUS INDVΜENTIS Wi 7l et n. Boniface lis emamcuam e deo odibilem uestimentorum superstitionem omni insensione prohibere stude quia tua ornamen a uestium, . . . . latissimis iamsi uemmium marrinibus sal imaginibus clauata aeuotum antichristi ab tuo transmissa praecurrunt: illius auiditate per ministros suos intro- 15 ducere intra claustra monasteriorum ornicationem et luxuriam clauatorum iuuenum et foeda consortia et taedium lectionis et orationis et perditionem animarum Is PRAEFATAE MI I .


IN 68 A vin Ecgfrid sent his genera Berct wit an arm tormage Ireland That peopte ad been hitherio mos mendi tostes gles, but noW the resiste the unprovoked attach an calle on25meaven to avenge them, an it is belleved that thei pinyer asans ered. Forain Ecgfrid in the nexi ear, contrar to the adviceos his Diends, ted an arm into the province of the Picis, and when theenem pretende to fleelesore him he wastram into the mountaino defites and there killed along with a large par of his army. In both 3 warche had gone against the counse of his friends, iret attachin the inoffensive and the marchin to his own destruction. The Lingdomo the Angles no began to decline. The icis recovere mei landand the Scot thei liberty. At this time Triumuini, that most reverendminis God retire Wit his eople rom the monaster of Aebber-35 curnig,hich was in the regionis the Angles an came to the monasteryos Streanaeshalch, and there it a se of his eopte live many years, an dying, a burie in the church Osrat eter Over his


in mense Iunii. V

crying quamuis arma non feram, contra nos su rant, qui aduersis nos inprecationibus persequuntur.

DOΜINO VINDICE so II et os the clauoter of the Brittin monkS: Sisque completum est praesagium sancti pontificis Au 2 Ogustini . . . ut etiam temporalis interitus ultione sentirent perfidi, quod oblata sibi perpetuae salutis consilia spreuerant.

allowed oretire aster tW years uita uth et . 7. EXTINCTUS Eddius I end. 43 miserrimae cladis ruinam Ecgfrido Ultra-Umbrensium rege occiso et cum omni op 3otimo exercitus sui agmine a gente ictorum oppresso. and Sim Dunelm p I says extinctum regem apud Nechtanesmere quod est stagnum Nectani eiusque corpus in Hii insula sepultum'. echtanes-mere is suppose to e Dunnichen ear oriar. Burton histi Scot


14s et EX QUO TEMPORE the war commence in the early parios in reignis Ecgkid Who hecam km 6 o D, When accordine to Eddius uti iis Hetr populi bestiales Pictorum feroci animo subiectionem a conum despiciebant'. At that time Ecgfrid reducedythem to subjection. e also deseate Wulfhere hing of themerciatis c II and aecordine to the aecount of Maius Was HWays Prosperous as long ache had the friendshi of Wilseid.

s sorici S of the wal incipis autem uiarum Me milium spatio a

calle se e sotius romnciae consolatrix optimaque consiliatrix.


one os them to suppi a reser sor Ensane'. in undemtoo that hespok of Aldfrid, qui feris sum sitis fuisse famis illius es tune in insulis Moesorum ob studium litterarum exsula s. Eddius 3 after Ecgfrid Alfridus rex sapiensissimus remauit. 44 6 49 5 38. 'tubbs in DCV Aldfrith VIR IN SCRIPTURI DOCTISSIMUS SV a s I97 5 S narrabas autem uisiones suas etiam regi Alfrido

uiro undecumque doctissimo, e sam libenere tamque studiose Millo audistis era, ut eius rem, monasterio supra memoras inditus ac monachica sit tonsura coronatus atque aui eum audiendum saepissime,

cum in tuas farus euenisset, ace erat uita uin aciend) Ecgfridus Iosos annum Pictoram gladio trucidatur et Aldfridus in regnum frater eius nothus substituitur, qui non paucis antea temporibus in regionibus Scottorum lectioni operam dabat, ipse ob amorem sapientiae spontaneum passus exsilium.

Adamnan abbat os Iona, ho came to ranso som Iris captives,

and presente his book o the ol places to him. Aldhelm also the abbat os almesbury, who ad been a sellow-student With him, pr b ly in effex, dedicate his orco metres to Aldfrith, unde thenam os Acircius. e mas a frien an benefactor also os Benedictiso Biscop, and was himself very leame in the scriptures, and. such a Iovero books that on one occasio he gave eight hides of Iandrior a copy of the cosmore hi