장음표시 사용
2. forma IEPxosa. LEIGHΤ. Albido- cinerascent, areolae dissolve dinto a leprose. pulverulent, effuse condition.
escent and oblitera ted, leaving the numero uS minute apothecia na edand prominent.
appear to bo the lichen ii ieritione d by him in E. Bot. Suppl. ,
Τhis form is procisely similar to that munii0nod in Leight. Brit. Graph. , p. 12, t. 5, f. 6 a. b.
Distinguished hom O. minus and O. longius by the fige of the
oui, Whicli consisis in the publication os coloured figures of tholeast known Agaricini, hom time to time, in this j0urnal, in tholiope that, though acc0mplished at an additionat cost, this Nili, ina meaSure, be compen Saled by an increased sale.